Resolution 02964aff.a'abbi=331a33, fYiab.) I.:"...,„ovai.)1E.6- FOR. inyM. .1-1>06,!...C1Y., 0 Fe' 111.3 ifffifr, .1111; 3,113,60 121.313a..0.2.,„ eno TimmuCee „ i rums re sr f j:1 a .3, i.foy f „P, veer, e Sr.2 0 r ua laby s "elm) er :re vfai..sasn (by' camermy " o 'arse. re...,:on " _fa aff.'au s.er, o s seen,: °Live 610 Ina :Jay. s a 1,m.3. ., Lee o.F„' o .232- -;323.3 332 ......232122°131e13 a s (30 ;33:311; .31.3.2317:b 11322 :;10;3!:01.2. 3; 3. 3. C33.33 (01.3. 2 303.: i,133.3 St..231; V3.2 .2.03.) S33:3 3 :I' r 333 003.323 3133 13.310.23.3.133312, any t3332 nr mafaM, Lain if 6.12Y 0: she suosbos ouTurerila San. .11.bnanm Llational Pjfie Association. nb smbmbea abd nonurefed .133-02T roe selessial. rules of rne SY, en:Lifts Ems] lati on o f Am a i :Ms r nista 3. and nave, 1, onan lyebt ohm, .m33.1.1 in the r. enemy o Ibmay " labor e. refire retiree, rel. raja .Mme y s revoeircie 22.., ',..323 02.3.03S2 2013 CA ;32 303 2: 233021, 030 130332.33 (.....02.123.3 ; 2330 SO Sr3 301.; 2.32.33 33332032 233 0 3 01.130;33 1233.3 L.33t3 OS than '323 ii3333 1133.30.2 230 3 0 3.3.10.; 0110 030 31. 3.233 S 123313 2.32) 133.3232.1.331` T ,s3 bris'eme r " o Loaf r 00 3 ; ; . ;;r1 2 3.3 .2 r. S.33 0332 0333°3 ;33 (T. 3 2310; e 3 3, .,"03 ' L4 ; 302 ',Lae ponarica„,y....6f.y iffset, :LI:, err eril te, re:Tee.; seeree p,Trelee, fierce:Ler t o o ano soalify for anon. raisins ir ease sosoessfve mutur 02 C073233303.t0.02 033333 SY. a:1003323 02 3. .002 233033.32 0;233 323 32303 333 6 f e syr: Ai arab, 6.6, ,..ye .61,,,i,..6r6a sn, ; ibes, .1.0323.32V 3333rt3 3, De ran, r ley e a r fotoopate any se am. maire o ores o `Le_ or, a ffs.al ,eot, eprive Ofii; cei' of' Tetei ri,s :Tr e reireTy fe was soffbnues 'ffora safrioisaaang im such. comsufMtion. sessese 01' injure' or TLITeSe or osoussa 03 was OA. yfoosion feavb, or ass1,..yrylnes. fo actjmns duffy at fhb, LiZ33. 2.01.0 30301:32 Si Liar, was .r,(31,,..; alma provinfes, ,smet.resr, reamf sucb be. fibrir, sibralf be re a .t i ure,,, event, :Mfr.' more th an six (6) mom s 'aft:resat efeal ra.ra lified for Easele, an u re:anti:au caffeetiaion or lesT,,cef qfnay r:...„„ting acquires '11., any ....Juich or sombefifloa oeuff. EffafecmAsso ado sna a ad. a nisT ona:1 sem:, ensatio ferma -e -t:he n ext eel:ire:v- ine; tee ones, cr.. .,..46.1of «oresob'itIon. of oatbn was held ana. for dno suossenig maftra, auTiree waLna saia ratirs, is ratoinen GS ornvicoo, tbe nexf pre a psres;Tanons,.... 1..3, A ..mm 11. lute o t I. re, ta of cy. [Men s 'miff 1.3 s u,sa 6nf: reocisse. ir. sroe ,...reao ens issued by bre executive omfisee An. chairee of e„.,fte saaten -MI P'.10n ofinser nabreMaipst,eu OT by. ony auths.,IM.ff.631. feprosenfaffve of she er- ▪ iiiil'ole bfinee boamso sr:anises 02 aupom.eision see !baton was nein., shelf ne fibLeal. teee eel' Tor ieelie-oe, Toe:fore Ireiyreeni, T ddier eine". cori,rionset, ion is eiTie,Teied 2 Is 4 orbint toe bib .A Tote o r 9 cos tate Octets 3 331p 633'1-.':, 113, 1.3:;16 1113. 13311 16' 011 31117 C3i1 16333 cos exessisss, his as ,,, 1,, sabD L,,s,..s,,sits, pe „t forts, 1r, 'Tsa-Da,a,aortt i above., a °riot notation or ihts root saatb. De insarres Ra,301,VED 'Cita t tin a tyro-tit s "sirs: (311 "C, 1113,3 11e S 03113361 3118.1_11, S60.33,313,633 too provisions of Dasaolutioa adostec. .:3eatember ia, 193o, and s,nah Dortiona of alb oirDer reDottutions as ,tay be in. conftior ntarawith— Reatjution sity ane. int,roausao. also. aooptea by ehe ,aouncti. of tLe as...a-sr:sac; Loo trie clay el: 19433., by 'toe tt)Ilibrabito.s.: vato, to 1,',613: otot. seob o-D said Oity tato 19tn dtty nf A99i-,, 1944_ Le:1 'En:, 1:0 .16„1 ,3.116".1 (1331:11,13:: C.33.1„13y• .1" 31113; 1113, „ ;11.11.,3).46, eee