Resolution 02988RESOLUTION. NO. 2988 APPROVIne CONTEACT Willi OO:SEEL, HESRS CEANSEFIED Hass_ PUBLIC ACCZIOULANEE,. AEU AUTEEEdSHNU TS° ECOATToREERSETRECT, RESNEETED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE ClACE Ob' ALEYSes tired: P. E. Goodell, G. L. Dyers Len WI. R. eWnry, certified public accountants, doing businwes under the firm haxe wad style of Goodell, Dyers Sdnry, be, and they dre hereby, ap- pointed as accodatunts for the City of Alameda for the fisdal year 1944-1945, for the purpose of investhgatinE the transactions and schAtihg the books end ac- counts of all ofriuss ane. offioers of the C, accordanee with and as more ishity eseelfied in sections 9 -7(44), 1.2-490) and 1294.(c) of the Onarter of the City of Alamsdo. RESOLVER ruiluiER teat trb comnenbation of said (loodell, Dyers & Seery for their eervices to be rendered. to sadd City durdng the fiscal. year 1944 si945 in auditing the books and accounts of all tha offices ana officers of the City as aforesaid be, and the same Is hereby, fixed at the total_ sum of !b2,850.60, to ne ailocated as follows: (a) for the servibes required. in investigatithr, tee transactions an2, . aung the accounts of the :Public Utties beard. of the gA,650.; (b) tar nal other services required under tne slid—ascot stx tols Sara Of S1,200. Said. aws shall bc payable at the rate of t212.50 per monbh. during said ribcal year. In the event that the City should. require special audits, es' services if 3, fa those specifidd in said charter and im the contract hereiracfter referred to, saia accountants snail be compensated teerefor at Tose per diem rate of 429. for eaoh sadountarat enga6ed in such additional service. RESOLVED TURILER trarat tte form. of contract to be entered into by and setwwer. sada cered. peralira desecrating firm ann the City of Alameeh, submitted: to this Council and. filed with. the City Clerk of' the City of Alaseda ths clay, and the teams, agreesbnts and. provisions thereof be, deE. the same are hereby, approved. RECOLVED ININTEEP that the neyor of she Cita,/ of Alameda is nereby aor thorizea. and directed to execute, ane trd City Oierk to attest, on behdif of tne City or Alameda, a contract substarbialdy in the tEerra ard contaisin tne covenants, agreenfaits anct provislase set fohth. an the aEorossid. farm of contract. a * a as a (a a 7, the undqrsigned, hereby certify float the foregoarag -Desolation. was duly ant rezularly aratre1Lcee. dna adopted by. the Council of the City et Alameda in regular meetira6 assemblad. on. the 20th. day of ,Thhh, 1944, by the following vote, to -.obit: AYES: Counoillnen hfahthatatfiff, News), Jones. Osborn and SEdsident CanilE:try, 'NOSS: .'iaolve. ASSERT: Eon°. SiESIESs otulrestlI, have hereunto set my. ford and. affixed the orria cial seal of said Crlty this 21st day. of june, 4944- 14),a9LE P us 170721. me7'Z hereby certify taus tile forestointe t loll, true add correet copy of "Resolution No. 29aR, ESPRCVINS CONTRACR RSEOH 000)SAL, ToSSIT, OERCIFIED EN21.2.0 ACCOPOIEHTR, SID Anmont/ninG Taj ESSE:FESS ANLASOTI" intaoluced and seosted by the Cataheil on tle 20th day of Juno, 1944. a(((a? ( /4/ s-uty Ceara ,2 ete.se1iy'of