Resolution 02992RESOLDTIOE AO. 2992 THAHEuhdifin 00,031.1.5 FROM XHIS) IN LIEU dhX FUND TO THE GENEDA1 2000 °F THE PITY E' e(FxbDe ke1292biefu portara moneys have hspn derosited in the In ialpu Tax Fund, purouant to the prorision of Resolution. No. 2887, adopted. by. this Council on duly 6, 19M3; and WHEMM44S, the sum of )11)30,930.15 has been expended from the Seherdi Fund of the City for tho purposes authorized in tho act referred to in. said resolution, nunolvn fur law etRAAuxuent and the reghlption and control and fire proteotion of highway tfaffic in the City of Alameda: NUN, THIFaFORF, EE IT RESOLVED Eie 7FE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF XLAMFDA thaL the sum of 0)90,93---,- , Tones, Osborn and FTessident Podfreg, (5). NOEE: None. driSERT: Done), if 0.1)1FES6 (eTEDEOF, 1 nave hereunto set my suns. and. erriocd tehe offi- cial sea" of said City. this 21st day of Tune, 1944- BaATIE (SEAL) City A ot tide CitTITTS2 Alameda) - I hereby certify thet the foregoing is a full, true ens Porrpct cony of Videsolubion SO) 2992, IRANSFEHRIX)))) 0303930.15 ritOli THE iFFU TAX FUND TO THE GENERAL FUT))) oF ITIE CITY OF hLEERCA," inbroduced and adopted by the Council. on tue Seth. )(ay. or )(rho, i9bAy moils ) on, irstdiedy of A:ma:need