Resolution 03007:HEsoLuTI,;1,: '30°7 4142ROVIN • 4:44:1014.4)424)1.1. CF ACRESEEET 'POR EITEND7Ntad: OF 1/4 GENI GLS TAX AILOCATCO FOR SVPISATS OF IGORES_FNIAIRTADOEM dia.:E.:LAS, the State of GaideLeognIa, thatouh its feparnmeat oi.' ?dulls Works, hue axesexted a nemosrandusi of agreemunt to be entered. into between the City Alamotia and. the Stone of Callfennia IL accordance vailLa a project sta.te- ment submitted by. thu City fur expenditure of the 174 cent gas tax for the cal year 1945 allocated for etreete of major importance other than. State Iligrfways in the City of Alameda; and GREREAS4 the City Council has heard read said agreement in. full and is familltar with the contents thexeof*, NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED BY THE cairloIL ay' THE CITY CI' A44.147:134 that said project statennnt be, and it- is hereby, adopted as the budgkt ef pro- posed expenditures of the 174 cent gas tax. al:I:nested for structs of major imnort- . anus ether than.. State Dhghweiyu, and said. agruemeht be, and thn seme is herebgR approved and the idnyer and. the City Clerk axe directed. to sign the same on behalf of sadd City, said agreement to de binding upon the City upon. its exeunt:I:on by thu authorized.. officials of the State. , one underslned, hereby certify that the fered:oing Ples:),14.rnitxx ocin duly an.d. regularly intaeduce sad adopted by the Council of khe City of Alameda in adjourned regular meettaL; assembled on the )4Sth day of June, 19442 by. the following vote, to wit: ALES: Councilmen Ensnscheld, Hoo Genes, Osborn and President Godfrey, (5)- htecs121 : Dore. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand end affixed. the offi- cial seal of said City this 28th day of Lune, 1944. LORE442 BEATER -Clerk oi tt seisessy eer1149 irte :4:5: bore,)5i:he is a' 51:12.2 tree and correct cosy cs1 EXLeoldttun De„ 30072 APEROVIEC elI2044274IL OS' AGROTEEFIT EGE EINVEDIR:13:443, dCFS eLS To4 441:G4414o 20d CeE43,13, hAneR dXFORESNCE," lahrodaces WA3 adopted by the Couloil on the 27th day of Echo, 1944-