Resolution 03008)30330007IOU NC. 3003 AUCBDITESANG TUBLIO TITS BOARD TO RETAIN libillT)1033 IN EXIIESS OF SOUNATTS pacy III SECTION 12-2-6 TUN CHAP7R. 4EIBT:M;;S, prior to suly. I, 104.3 the Public Utilities Board of the City of Alameda adopted inm budiseX and made iXs estimate of the stoaoit to Os eshned in tte flebai year ending June 30, 19/4 in excess of the payments buil retainments specified. and authon*Jed under Section. 12-0 of the lerter of tie Pity of laardna; ebb, WIBTREAam it eon:Dears to this Coaddil that the net earnings of the public utilities of this city under the msnegemsnI and control ot said Emserd. will be considerably higobtor Curing the fiscal year 1943-1944.. than they norEdily would have been, dae to the fact toot certain custbmary maintenance and replacements dsre curtailed and dtferhed because of governmental. restrixdaDons on the ase of critical materials; and WENItIAB, TEE Public Utilities Bmard has recesosted permission. to retain. for thm reserve specified in.. said Jection 12-6 of the dna:toter an amdtmat in axsess of toe retainments permitted by the formula provided Xr said Section. 12-0, dnd, asebificalivg tsi retaMn all earnings of the cubits iloilitids for thm fiscal year ending ,Tund 30, 1944 in. exCeSs of Nan,372.00; and WHEREAS, this Csxismil believes that it* is in the u;UPLic interest that adequate reserve for continguncies, replacementm, renewals, edkEitions and im- provements for tXma utilities under the control and. danagement of said. Public INJUXiitilds Board be maintained; NOW, TI.44,,:1,41-4•4Tna!'„ BB REBCTNED Baj THE COUNCII OF IKE CI9T3 CF ALATAFI) that ths Pablic Board of said city be, and. it is hereby authorized to retain in tre Buteam of Eteotricity Fun1 . all earrings of said uty for the fiscal ymah enSng June 30, 1944 in excess of the cam. of )3:420,372,60. ,14 I, the tundmaublegned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly. introduced Tna adopted by. the Council of the City. of Alameda ih adjourned regplux meeting assembled on the 27th O:y. of June, 1040), by thd felhowing vote, to ddt: AYES: Cocnoilmeu Branscheid, Bowe, Cones, Osborn and Ftssiebot Godfrey, ;5). 3.05,333g None. dEBBUT: IN waThEss WBETUEOF, I. have hereunto set my nand and. affixmd. tne offi- cial seal. of said City this 08th day of ',Else, 1:31,0). City wert ex wae 01. 't i:-.7;u and dorroot copy o. acipti.0) ;I:gYrel:35L4'''Ilt lic o :3314:0L31313f's**M0007 301300 )).12,:cfs*adie:pLau Lei doe Jjoactis 3: 0 fa 17,11i.3 . . gut mof laamedo.