Resolution 030093,35 HISSORIPTICIS NO. 3009 CadedILIN POSPIMASIS LETIASIMEET Aid 1P3 CITY ap ALAITIE ANC IIVAJEC. IRE SALE:APES AND J,T1(n CF CeitIELER - TIEN FOR SU241 POSIT-10AS ALL PER. ELL CSMETAIR OFFICES AND POSITIONS IRKEAR isilAISDICTAIN OP' SAE) . _Air AnZelNITC RE' AJAX COENOTE Of TEE CITY OF ALAbarva as follows: • • The offices ana positihnh of employment herwinaftei named are hereby establiansd in the several. departmchts o? the City of Aiaxedx, in addation to . tide offices and. positions heretofore created by. the Cbatter, Ordanhnses or Reso- lutions. of said City, and.. salarieh and rates of compshostion for all ouch offices and positions, waiender hereby or heretonors by Charter, Ordinance or Resolution established, are nersny fixed in She amousts set opposite each desigrated offihe Dr bouillon- Unless otherwise indicated, dal salaries and rates of compensation are on h calendar month basis, Such offices and positdous of employ-inert and such. seletries and. rates of contsnsation are as fhllows: AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR Number of Saaary Tdtle aii OfficLe or Positdon Psoitip Per Mhnth AuXitor end Assessor 1' $ 325,00 Eastty• daditor 1 260.00 Dentty Assessor 1 260.00 Senior nscciart Clerk 1. 1.84.00 Deputy Tield Assessor (Part Tima.:1) i AC74.00 Senior Stegrapahr-ClerR 140.00 Junior Account Clork-Typiat 140.00 2,7,17 ClATIRK(S_CIFfIEE City• Clerk 1 280.00 Senior Stepogapher-Cierk 170.00 Extra Clerks At the rate oe and. $5.50 per dayt 't2,50. $25.00 City Attorney (Part time, other employment pervittou) Leral Seccotary nth-Clark Sscreteay, Civil Service Board. 265.00 • Serisc Stenographhr -Clark 1. 160.00 Personnel Assistants At the rate of 55,./.. phr bhet. Maxamirx PYIL1110,1L,LL1117-m?-4,11..aJ11.17L22klaNT (ILLIIMAahas,er's Ofqae City Mhesader 1 650.00 Secretery-StensgranhAr i 190.00 Junlor Stenos:past:Par-Clerk 130.00 Junior StenoEre.prer-Cierk , 140.00 Assistant Onrcnasing Apitt 260.00 Automotivh Utility IthhEndo 1 225.00 Cidin Hall Janitor 1 190.00 Jpenitress 3 140.00 SkilX.ed Laborer Maximun. 2 185.00 islephobh-Shatehboard. Operator Clerk i 140,00 Racia Technician. 1 265.00 Civiiiha Penerisa Junior Typist-Clerk 125.U0 Ihrion Stenomrapher-Cierk 1 130.60 Assistant to Chief Medical Officer 1 150.00 Building Depar.Mbent DuElding insheotor Assistant sulmuins Inspector Plumbing Inspector Senior Stenagrapner-Cleak Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Fire CaptaMn Fire Ldeutenant Fire feveutc0. inspector Fireman Naximus, Emcser of Salary 5.20eitions Far Month Dumeng ist year of service Durlas 2nd year of service During 3rd year of service Atn. and subsequent years. of serv0ce Gaff Course Department 1 285.00 a. 245„oo 1. 260.00 150.00 1 355.00 2 280.00 255.00 205.00 250.00 1,7 206.00 220-0C 222,00 230.00 Police. Orief 1 355.00 Police Lieutenant i 280.00 :Police Sermeattafropentar a 255.00 Felice Semmcant 4 245.00 IMMFmmassiman 1, 200,00 f-stm "a m' --recAnnsalms? Golf Professional. 1.. 200.00 Caddy fister 1.. 200.00 Head. GreenaMneper 1. 218.00 Automotive Equipment Operator Mechanic 1 228.00 ClAilled Laborer Maximum, 6 185.00 Laborer Marlmtm Li 168.00 City Physician ond IFwLMAL Officer (Part time, other emnisymcnt periTitted) '1 315.00 limerzasicy Surgeon (Part time, other chrLMsylaant pernitlel) c u 138.60 Food and Milk inspector 1 230.00 Sanitary Imsbectsr 1 190.00 TMcoMfaMnMarical Irtoratory Teahricish 1 - 200.00 Ftblic Health inirse 1. 175.00 Ferrnstared. Mumma 2. 10/5.00 aaniar Etetegrmsher -Clerk 1 170.00 Janitor 2 108.00 ictra. DMrse Maximum 2 At the rate of .:,1,',8.0.0 per day or .i1,Xl70.00 per. monith. if exrloyDd on, monthly basis. iimermency Steward Maximum 2 At the rate of $6.00 her. day Pauhs fna,,,.. Plis7gssumas Ohcarimert isher Sicsrvisof 250,00 Furscryman ' 195.00 liturnIseeeser FAximor m i00,00 rairtsnance iasconic "maximum , i Mia'.00 Fruck ,icivar MAximula 5 ..A.Fm.J0 Leilled Laborbe Lumiapm A l85.00 Lubcfer litaimuu 18 168.CC Polite Decartme,n01 1 Police Patrolman Maximum 47 spring 1st yeat hf service During 2:00 year ef DervIce 5fe yeas uf sesvice Carina, and subsequent years of service Each member of the Police Detartonnt who shall atimain tne cualiiScations hf "Except Mevolver SUct", "Cluarschooterl, or "f"AnMslian", in accandasce with tha arovisions of Aessinslon Fe. 200,A, s,m11.1 receive litfje 6..L_Offide flositicue Number of Saftafy foginions fmr Eon', Police Department (Contituuedl in addition to tjae compensation provident above, aaa so lorg as sush qualificafions arc fetalced, the following anumults: "Expert Revolver Shot" "Sharpshooter" "LimuFXsfuRa" 88.00 per month 5.50 per month 2.00 per month Poundmaster 218.00 Recreation Depadtmant Superintendent of Recreation 1. 190,C Supervisor of Playground Udrectome 1 185.00 Senicf Stenegrasher-Cierk Playground Directors 16 150.00 leamitimm. of per hour if employed on. hourly basis Reretition. Aides Maximum 8 Maximum of 75X per hour rf employed on hourly basis Somial 2ervice Department Public Uelfaro Supervisor 1 22e.00 1X0.08 Junior 3tomegreehof -Clerk Sbreet Department City kagineor and Snporintendent of Streets 1 Y70.00 asuicturu City knginoer t 518.00 derior Civit Ffglneor Eaximum 4 220.00 toober :Supervisor 250.00 lerpeRser-FoRexan Reesitaten 2 222.00 216.00 Code:fats Foreman 1 Sower -Foxenad 2 200.00 Senibp Riedipprasher Clerk Sweeper Operator 1 160.00 200.00 Siroal Icepoutor 'Maximum. 3 8eiftentioce Mechanic i ''.78(3)tce?.,:S2l AptsmcLive 0udium3mt Oecrator-dosnattic Maximum 2 aaf.ot Truck Uriver 6 181C.2 ).?„) Xaximum S8illca Laborer Mum:imam 8 100.02 Savorof Masimxm 26 Field Assistane and dffiee Assistant At tme raie of R6.00 1 any :Tax imust O utroot insteeittor 4t the ratc of 86.00 per day 4 C '2 0 Iti Treasurer itmn Tax Collector Deputy' Treasurer Deputy Treasurer 23.8U1 fol.& FOX ALF 0SPASEME0.8 ded VASATICX RIIIMR, Senior Stenovrapher 5 the rate of tS.(71c.) to .80.50 per 888 Junior Typist-Clerk t 15 4i. the rate of 25.00 to :f5.50 per day Legal Secretory Law-Clgrk Junitr Stenommother -Clark et the rate of 85.00 to 84).00 per day Janitor 2 Telephone Switchboard. Openater -Clerk Ehargency Surgeon Bacteriological intiftmRktity Tenhnician R8sigtered Nurse 2 At the rate of 4R.00 per day 3„7 92 S Tirae cf OfLida caL,Rositioss Eumber of Positions Saissy Per 'nestle. Pounomaster is .=h, 215.00 Lana:car 10 1680 Guntor Eocobnt CasskaoStesotse e At Roe gars. of 455.50 pas day Sbnitosy insnochor S 190.00 SUS balenlos esti corsconsafions, as flxso by tois Resod:trio,: shall be aiyoble, in nrsocss, on rims 15on she, on the lass dby oh each caleraes mortn; provided trot, weer ony such aay falls on e legal IDSIday paybiont shall 1.)6 mnos en is.: s aso1 cscoadtrn business dayn Tne solarise nhi. rates of sundsonstion :-.a3 faxed 2y ti3 nesolorihn sonti he affective as ea east sfeer iumy 1, ISLE - SE II' DERE:Aso REGOLYSED licari thane portions of Resolution Tto. 2:894 and all ethos sosolunisse or pasts thereof, in conflict horcnirb, are he the extent of noon cohElist nereby ressiodel enc ennalless. 1, tne ufr.wralithea, nereby certify odor the foregoing 'Esolution was aury unb. regularly introdhcou. end. adopted Icy r'Es Connell. of the City of Alamein hrijourshe reguSins mearlhg assembled on. the 27th day of June, 1.942, by the fallowthsg vete, to wit: Couoilmen SEcnschald, Howe, Jenes, Osborn. and.. President nndfrey, ODIShis: none- AnSEET: None. IN WS-TENSE WHEREOF, have hereunto set my nand. and affixed. ans offi oisa heal of saisd City this 28th. day of June, 1944. LORESIE R REA arark co AixTe7s1S7 -6 * * * hereby certify' ahar tne foregoing ifo a full, true ps:] sorreor copy of "Resolution no. h009, FSTANISISEENG CERTAIN YOSITIONS Oh' EtiPINIGEFSh II: THY CITY OF ELOSYNDE END FIXING- THE SEIEFRES AND RJAaas 001FENSERTION ECT: SUCE. POSITIONS AND FOC. ALL cH„:::,pri...'Ea OFFICES. ANO POSITIONS UNDEN INE SINEFSOICTIOF OF SAID :CITY," Earsotriteel and adopted. by the Couooll on the 2Cte. day of June, 1.94.4-