Resolution 03011RESOlgTION NO. 3011 DR01(DEMNI.T FOR TOE ISIOUNE PER DIEM FOR igEFICEES ARD EMPLCEENS OF THE pirs7y. CT AgEMEBA FOP TEAVEIJiliel EXITMISEE. WHEREAS, Section 22-7 of the charter of the City of Alameda requireh that Vie Council Annually fix the per ditm allowance for traveling expenses of officers mud employees of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, hg IT EICECiinolTD ST AMIE CDISighlie OP TRE GACTO OT AirEEEDA as follows: OR Any officer or employen of the City who shaid, under the authority of law read, except for routine duties, on authorization of the Council, leave the City for the purpose of performing any offinial dtty or. renderinE any service for or on behalf of the City, or for tLe purpose of officially representing (mold City or any board, OODIraii.011 02 department thereof., shall be allowed the traveling erperiseo incidan1 to sain. enrolee, mhhca. traveling expennes Saalg include the potual GOSt of trannporeatien, incluuding Pullman charges, plus a her ddem alinw- arbe ih. an amount not to exceed 410.00 per day for each and every day While said. officer or employee is absent on said. official business; (2) Demands for payment of travnling expenses for vlbich. prior authori- hation of Mie Counoll. is required. shall. net exceed the amount appropriated or authorizen by. int Goubcil, (D) Rerformance of duties or services for or on behalf of 'the City, th be performed outside of the City in connection witb. routine duties, nbed. not have been previously authorized. by the Council, however, traveling expenses incurred kn connection with tat performance of such. routine duties or services shall. be allowed. only. when such performance was authorized. or appregood by the head of the dehartmnnt or office in. which. the officer Or employee making denard. therefor is ameloyed- The term "rpuTine duties", so used berein, sholl be deemnd to incidde performance of Onties or services connected. with city business the necessity Sher the performance of ntich arises from timn to time, although the same may not be ef a periollinall or regularly recurrent nature, and shall imclude attendance at classes for tte purpose of instruction or training in city work, or attendanre nt occasional meetings of other city offitials or employees or public admimistrction officers bend for the purpose of dircussion. ann. sot:chug problems of public olziris- tration with. wnich the City is concerned, OR Demands for traveling exnenses shall be for excenhitures actuaidy incurred, anr. analt.. be suppenteC by a statement of the officer 02 emrloyee pre- senting same showing the nature and amount of the items of expenditure forming the Oasis thereof, and sunk. vounhars or proof of expenaithres as shall be re- quired by the Council. or the ApHitor. BESSIDiED, =BEE, tnat this resolutihn. skald. be in effect for the period or °DO yea:r from the dnte of ies daption. I, tan undnrsigned, hhreby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was dkiy ann regularly'. inTrouuced emu annaced by. mie Council. or the City of theameue. in regular meeting assembled on the htt day of flay, 190,,, by the following vhte, to grit: AIES: ComkxliMmr Sranschaid, Hoge, :ones, 0obern. and President Dedirey, (5). ROES: None. ABSENT.: Bonn. IE WITRESS DBEbIOF, I hnve heremnte set my. hand and affixed the offi- cial.. seal. of said Skty this (Ith. (ling of July, in44. (SEAL) LORITIE Ba 3EATIE , - City ca..erk: of the City of Alamaga I hershy certify that the faregoin is a fail, true and. correct copy of "Ressihtion hh 3011, PEEVED:TEC ECR THE EMEEET PEE DEITE FOR OFFICE:ET AND EMPLOYEal5' OF' TEE Girl OF ALAMIDE FOTR. PRE:JELL:Id EIII2SETEfl' introduced and adopted. by the Coahoil on the 5th day of' July, i941,—