Resolution 03015345 REsoLunoN No. 3015 ADOPTING DiiTiCiFIGATIORS FOR PRKROISIGING ONE PORTABLE SETFAPROPELLTHEi ROISTER, CAITINIg YOTY BIDS YAND _01= CLERK TO ADVERTISE RiPOI RESOLVED 3Y THE COHNCIE OE' THE CITY GE' ALAHTA. that the SPoolficotioics and Provisions ror furnisainp, ond. portabae self aropelling roller to the City of Alameda, so. nS 744444, filnd in the office of DA16 City Clerk on Suly 5, JTSSA, be, and. the same are hereby, approvd. and .adopted. 2ESC1WED, FUREEEH that the Couroil of the City car Alameda win. receive. sealed. bieji up to tne lunar of o'clock D. m., on. Taesdny, duly 1E, 1944, for the furnishing te the Sity of one portable self-propelling roller in accordance with. sejn Specifications and Prouheiass. Bids must be presented. to the City. Clerk, in the City dell, Alameda, California, unider sealnd envier sod plainly narked or. the outside "Proposal. for 'Relief." t'stracit, if awarded, wiTI be awarded, subject to the provisions of the charter of said City, to 'Mae responsible bidder who submits the iowbst best bid. The eEsIst is resersd to reject any or all Eins. fhb City Cibrk is hereby directed to adsegtiso, An the Alameda Times a Star, a notice calEing for. sealed bids in desordanno with the provenion of this resolution and of said. SpecificEtiEnn and Proviniond. I, the. undersigned, hnreby certify that tine foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly introddsed snd. adopted. by the Council of tbn City of Alameda in. regsjar nwatiog assembld on the 5ta, day of 'July, 1944, by thb 2oilowing VOtE., ASSA: Coencienen Arepschoid, gawp, Zenot, Osoorn and President Oodfroy, 140BC: Ehoen. saStEE: Wens. IN iftENESS tEifaSECE, have nereuntoiset my Oryno end aeieslo cial seal of said Ciby this dth day of July, L944. LORATE5 E: TEAT= Cleric 1 e City of—adds-teed 1 nereby certify that toe foregoing is a full, true and. correct cony of "ResoBation lie. 3015, ABETTEDG SPECYFICATIOBS FOR iitMEICHING. ONE POTEDALLE SELF - PHOPEL1ENO RD1ISEU, GATTEANG FOR Bals ADD DIREOSIDB. CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAHF," introduced end adopted by the Council on. this 5th day of July, 194W.