Resolution 03052389 dFaCthhhOF 5t052 oh An, d ar,TT. ,r`C,a 'WHERLD,O, ' Ciamedo Ohnnben of Camaerce ic willia,g to andertoke the work of advertising the City of' Alemoda sad to carry Orl ail th)o necessary city for said.. city ddrig ttee fisaal yeor enddeg :Tuna 30, lbge,'„), ond WHERZotha the production. of such advertising odblicity regbites SpeCiel cervices of a profechiond.. and technical nnture end. special technical. chili and facilities; NJO", diEddbaDWdidE, iT dE5CriglES) 5Y TITE COOPDII, a5' TES!, CITY OF Addlart(). thud the dity of ,Albsa,d enter into o contract with the Pladuda Oneadder.sf meroe hsr tae caTryRhg on. by. said. Ohamber of Commerce of 211 necessary- oublicity and. ed(vertising on behalf of the Oit.‘y of .Slamorda fop the fischil year ending June 30, 191.5, providd the olati(vt)nit of the City for the productor of such adver- tising and.. publicity, cold ;hob, corsibee and work to be perfumed by said Advetiser, including reimbursement to Advertjer for its overhead. expense in producing ascii publibity and. advertising, shall not utbeed. ir thn ;aggregate the cam. of ',fa:3,000.00. REadOdNIAD, aUshintop., thht a. form of cohtraot to be entered. into by and. betweeo, the Adanuds. Chamber of Commerce and the City sf AlarlecjC3, subnitted. to the Conned] and. flied dit. the City Oterk of the City of lamenin this day, and. marked ',Filed dot. 17, 1944," raid. fdle teras agreements end orovhcione) thereof be, anh the -saran ore hernby, (*preyed- cl.00LYeb, thbt the illeyor of the City or Alamedo is hereby an - thornped. and directed to ezecute, ana.. the City dierk to attest, on behalf of the. dits of dioneoe, 2 contract substantiaily in ate tdrm arra norbadtair.s the coverorts, agreements shni provisions set fehvid 'In the aforesaid. fehh; of contract. „3 RESOLVED, FUDdatgli, that penchant to Ordinance Fa. SIN., Ibhg Series, the sum of JOK4.JOU.00 de, ans. is dereby, appropriated. out of the, ',general hung of the Oity to be ased tor publicity or advertising Dor sc.,Ca o4ty lisbool Jobb ell," -ie. e e ,;30 e rine 17 .len a 10 the ou.ruoces crawl...tea ccial Crairraiace 641, (Nagy Series, tho andetsighed, huraby certify' that the fc,:ghbodug Resolution. was duly. sod. regularly introduced ond adopted. by the Cohnoil of the City. of Alamo:yin in. Pegdelar hebtihg assembled. on. the 17th ddy of October, 1944, by thu vote, to wit: leTienO: Coandilwen bronschuid, Howe, Jones, ()shorn end. President SOOD7T, )(ono. bidrhidS3 MelY.(XID), I have hereunto set (ay thrd. and afflinod. the offi- cial hobi of nsid.. Oily this 18th day pi" Ootob.E., 1944. hereby cortify .tS). 2., the (Onregbing : A fhdig true and oorrect copy of' "I.esalatiOc. Nu. 305, IDaf.aNLI-0.4 ...,ACT ch.„),,,,,adet GL,AM5Olt dOMMFROF ht).a. ShVERTISTI,D. FON ?NE FISCAL 'YR:AN ).'..(;loa JODI) 30, 1R45 AND APPRO)Rdi..tT- Ihd. ))),,e,3'.,000„30 25Ch I')".TODPOODE,(6," intreducod. ond adopted. by. Uhs Council on. the 17th day of entober, 1944- 7571,7/.. of thE