Resolution 03077BISOLOTION BC, 3.07) ACIE=ANDE ANT CONTENT TO RECORDATION OF GRANT OF EASEMENT FON SMEET NURPOSET FROM IDE UNIT= STAFTE aF AMERICA, ACTING BY ANT =ODE THE UNITED STATES MARMITE CPAIDEUMBION9 MD TUE CITY aF ALANIFDA. p; pp p ;_ppppg; pppppp WHEREAS, the United States of America, acting by and through the United jtotes Mnritimb; Commission, has executen and dalivered to the City of Alameda a deed, dated. December I, 1544, grant:Inv to said City. of Alameda an easement for public street or hightway purposos in that certain rbal progbrty situated. in the City- of Albmeda, County of Alameda, State of Galifernia mbre particularly de- scribed. as follows: A portion of Tract 32, as said tract is shown on the map entitled 5Map of Alameda Marsh. Lend" that wasTfiled on IMMy 30, 1500, in booE 25 of inacb, at prge 74. to 7C„ in the office of the Recorder of said. Countm of ALoimeam described ea follows: . BEGINNING at the ihtersebtion of the Eabterly line of Webster Street as said stTeet was wierned by tho deed from The Regents of the University of Califernis to the City of Alameda, dated Boy 31, 1928, ahP recorded. Tune b, 19.28, im Bonk 1867 of Official Rocordb of Alomede County, at came 266, and a line drawn South. 89*. 107 West from a point on. the Eastern line of said. Tract 32, distant thereon North. 5 567 "West 2500.78 feet from. the Southeastern. corner of said Tract 32; and running therre along said. line of Webster Street Forth 0* 507 West 111932 feet, Nnith 0* 077 17" East 150,02 feet and. North 0* 50E West 108.04. feet: thenre confirming along the Easterly. lime of Pbbster Street os widened by the dbed from Yams:loll C. Barris arE Susie A, Enrris to tbe City of Alameda, dated August 24, 1529, and rebordrel September 189 1.528, in Book 1546 of Official 'Records of Altameda County, at nage 180; North OE 50,7 West 36.18 feet; thenbe South 5* 23T 27" East 406.83 feet to a. lina drawn North. 89* 10t Ebbt from tho point of bacirbingi abb. thence South 89* 13TT wT2st 34-83 feet to the point of boginninEn and WHEREAS, thb price to bb paid. by the City. for said eesemart together with any abligavion imposed on tha City in correation with the acquisition of said. casembrit is less than ))57,00.0,; NOW, THEREFORE, BP IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OT THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that fhb mforemontioneP. deed be, and the same is hextE97', accented en behalf of the City of Alameda, and. said 1 - (4)9 1 e, Torso, Osborn and. Vice President BrchacheiE, NOES: None. ATENNIa President Godfrey, (1), IN qiiNESS WHEREOF, I have b.:errant° set my Land. end affixed. the offi- cial seal of said City this 17tb. day of Jammiry9 1045. (SEAL) T328TIT831'878-11 m(88852 I. Orreby certify that thb foregoing is a full true and correct copy of *Resolution Er, 3078, AOCETTARBE ANN CORBENT TO TIORREFAION OF GInOTT OE FASTRIENT TOR ETHEET TURFOTIT BROM NNE SMTS OF ABERICA, ACTING BRVAIMD THRONGS TIE CEITED ETATES MARITIME COMMISSION, IC THE CITY OF ALA10210(1, introduced ann adopted by the Counbil of the City of Alembda on tbb 1.6th day of January, 19455, ofIT 5,7815i PT-6781 a 11 a