Resolution 0307841. RESOLUTION NO. 3098 REZMIT TO SOLIGNERN PACIFIC COMPANY TO CONSTRUCT, JJN RYNONES(PUCT, MAIBtfAIN AND GP:PRATE A RAELROAD SPUR TRACE' NEON AND A01.20(46 PEARL STREET IN THE:CITY OF , 311( IT RES0(14170 BY NNE COILACIL G7 YIN CITY CF ALEPIDA as follows: SECTION 2- Ttat a pmrult be, and is hereby, granted to Shutters Pacific Company, a corporatMon, its successors and assigns to construct, reconstruct, maintain hn.11 . operate a single railroad spur tuach upon and across a. portion of Pearl Street, in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, the 'oration of the center line of said spur track being porticularly described as follows: GSGINNANG at a point in. the easterly lins of Pearl Street which is rmonhnkrly thereon 280 feet, moire or less., from the intersection of said easterly limo of Pearl Street and. the northerly line of Fmrnside Emulevard; thenhe wes- terly' on. a 153 curve conmetve to the fright, having a radAus of 582„24 feet, an (arc distance of 67 feet, ahre or lash, to a point in thh whsterly line of PhaT1 Etreet which is northerly thereon 232 feet, more or less, from the inter- section of the said ohsterly line of Pearl. Street. with the westerly proihngatihn. of 333 said northerly line ef Form- side Ilhulevard, said center line locatiot. bhing also sham». by a rad.. line as drawn on a map marked ',Western DivIn. Drawing n-690 Sheet NS. dathd Oct. 139 1944, attahned to and. forming a part of asie. Southern Pacific Companyls application dated. Pecember 16, 1944, en film in. the office of the City ClArk of tne City of glamhha and marked filed. tanhary 16, 1545, which rap im hmreby referred to aad. madm a part hereof. SFETION 2. This permit is granted on and subject to the following terms and conditions: (6) That said spur track shall bo used for the transportation of freight only and shall not be used as a main line or part thereof. (b) That said spur track shall be constructed and maintained imvel with the street or streets along or across which said spum track is laid. (c) That ell switching movements ever such spur track shall be so conducted as not to blmck longer taan is necessary for ordinary soitchimg operations the streets which are crossed. by such spur tra( h or to otherwise interfere with thm use of the streets by tam ptrlis. 1d1 That this permit shall be Lateterginate and shell be revocable without, compensation at any time at thm optler of the Council of the City' of Alameda, (e) Ilitt said spur track shell be operated under such regulations and conditiom as may. be prescribed from time to time by thou City. 'Smithson of the City of Alameda. (f) That nottithstmndang anything in this permit to the contrary, nergdttee shaal at all timms maintain. said spur track and 4- 3. immediately adjacent thermto in good repair, at its own cost end expresses (f) That all. construction, opmfotion amd. maintenance work of said spur track.. shall be perforche. witnhut cost or expense to the City of Alhmmde ant. that sait. pkomittee shall repave, repair and otherwise restore thh portions of any. street damaghd or disturbed. by the installation of saoh sphr track, using the same kind. of material and. constrmetion as now exists in the portionm of any such street adjacent to the pmrtiohs of seld street wleredm said spur tramk shall be ihstulled. (h) Ttat on revocation of this perudit the pmrmittee shall at its owm. cost mnd expense, forthwith remove said arch track and repame, macadamize or otherwise restore the portions of the street damaged or disturbed. by nuoh. re- moval, using the sage hind of material end construction as shall be used by the City of Alameda upon the portion of the street adjacent to said. spar track, (I) In the event that the permitted shall negTemt or refuhe to re pavm, repair or otherwise restore Mph portions of any street damagmd or diethyl-hid. by the installation. of said spur track as pfhvided. in Paragraph (gl above, or in the event thet pakmatttee shall. neglect. or refuse to remove such spur track: or to repave and reutore said. street after the removal of said track as hereinbefore providhd im Paragraph (h), then thh City of Alame3 a. may cauhm such repaving, repair or restoration to be made or. suoh track to be. rembved or the work 3f refibiring, mmeadandding and.. otherwise restoring said street. to be done, amd yermIttee shall. thereupon be obligated. to ,bay to the City the amount of reasonable mhymuses incurred. by thm City- for any sumh purposes. dte construction by the yertittee herein named of seid spur track shall. be neekmd an. acceatamme by the permittee of all TM.° termm and orliyation,s set forth in this imrmit. I, the uhdereleind, hereby certlfy that the forecoing Resolution was duly and. ragmlarly introduced aEd admptad My thbi Council of the City of Xlehm,da in regular meeting assembled on the. dobth day of Jamuary, 194.5, by the hollowing vote , to wit: ATES Commbilmun Howe, Tones, Osborn and Vime Presidmnt Branschell, ) NOES: None. aBSEUT: Irmsident Godfrey, (1). WITNESS Nifilliakh, I have hereunto set my hand. end affixmd the offi- cial seal.. of said City this 17th dmy of 4alatm 1945. Z. CLAIdi City Clerk of thm City of Alamedm hereby certify that the formyeing is a full true and correct copy of ohmsolutimn Nth. 3 0 8 , GRENTING. p2n..1::11' TO Silf-THEUU CCU:IMP:Tv 7' C OUSIldfdT, RffellUllUUCT, 1`2,PME1 RAILEMED SPUR TRACK. IIPUN ENT., ACPIETS Odia177E7 IU 7TE orTy Cf intmi:Mumed and adopted by the Cour cii ex the lbth doy of Jamle 194144, 4 -of city cite r1.-;5' of the 1, y Alame