Resolution 03091sat Oltitio rtit 30 91 it, I.s the fiftiluy tiss Gus:moil of city isideddedid to, roorignizo :2 al lief di. and of di oat ont soar/ice to .E.4aLa City ; arc] , tole Cd, ouno i 'finds ate.; tesatinas teat t in too putieti intereitt. tr fy those f fir; ode; stud triel ;dye stdo retro resuttaid loyal se ructio to tin; City of tione da by plastind seri-its adzes drool oso ffittots sad oiroloyees -oho touse roruto for reriods tioo randtraL, from ;;;;. years Co teat astatially frit' rod after t s Slats; soi taidiss isaddons ea so 1,:issieds ti:of: e:fo .b.aAre CO2.1.1flete:,(5. .,/f2o,ffs 0 f Eo:foofloo e Sus lo s;odde ocntoinind; o stirs; isutos, 's us.sts.f..11..-fu 3 ;its to ; dsoirs s Se:odd:se d onto Lai d, trans 25 ;trouts a baiitdo totirening ;;; taro ; 7,0 soars, or nure - ;iodide nanostrina s otars anC, ditionoSt. tff rt....1.1;311 of th.,I (.111,i,t of ails listrierno, nuidenatotod tile jfefF ;;;;;;;Idionuoter, 22945 b,!ir 1::fff s; to Oran so not, t,,, ; ; osi trot ; door?. tfi oauo oudourto sot, t.do nodd and ..ztffixe,d tlff offi_ [1. SfOf.). Of Sal. el. elty 6.8 y Cebrutry, 1940 City 0 lotus; i t.777 or:" I hurony corudry that the furc.o.o.iifie is full, true 6ad. correct copy al' sides oint, ion „ 312,93.. FOld didettifti(d. SERVICIE; iideltart„ riot radiated and a dortiod by 1.dos, oanoll of tiro Citdd did sialtroodo. on tics (it'll dor; TISSbutsuity, 19,45„ ;It, • o 16.577;;;7233 4°7