Resolution 03092491,' (Ire Ill() NFL hal Of bt v 2),ISOLUTION DO, 5092 =Nei Odin RIIIITITNal, IC19 PICT DERAFFNENT OF 177E CITY' OF (1)1fORETAi RESOLVED PY ccuw; OF I= OISEI CT' heile(011)) as fctlixteh Ode arlditibnel. nbsitIon. Seriyhant is hereby cinn(hcod establishhd in the Polifie Thpartment of the City of Alameda( I, the aliderelyttod, hereby certify that tho fol5eysiany Resolution sus duly and regbi arty intrhdtced and. adopted by- the cou.201.1 of' the City of Aideneda in reguar meatinnt seer:nice. on. the eth day of Fhbrurry, 1945, by the felloysing vo to to se t ) AYER: Cschcainen. Branocheid, Infest, Rones, °shorn. and. Fresident Godfrey, (5). NINO f ore. deri772(NIR 'Rona. IN NIENSSS sfITIXOF, I neva Serneuto set ny Dann Ella affixed the off's oloil seal of said City thls 7th day uf Fetonsary, 1))45, 2. 0thRY City Clerk of tno Ci 7777-7TTT',77*-- I hereby cortivy that the norayroisec is a full, true slid ossfect cosy of ihasolution No. -,l)(:)2, ave.-the:ITC) LIIInniVidehING CNN (I) SITRifil.01905... FORIYIniI Cif )RhRiihrOT IN 259E ffelICE UF TEE CITY- Of JUIRIEOLA , 5 ihtrchreed. ern adopted. by thb Coilsoill. of the City of hivarirea on. tbb ()Sn.. Thy- (ie. eXhbassiff, (1)(15) he, i o Y.t of the of nels. de. /