Resolution 0313811 6,363011.UTION -58 COldrEffNiii TESCRIETTOS OF CERTAIN fROPERTY ON msfmmp rminITY1MM TO PULLID UBS FOR PIANERIMIND Fni RESOLUTION ND 310B BASE IYASI.VS THRPOSES wmapipshm, cartalm dirc)perty on Day Farm island mes ciadichted to public use for playground purposes by Resolution. ND. B103, passed Moron 6, 1946; find MMEMLOAS, tne property intemBhd to be dedicated. 7),c: incorrectly. described. in said resolutirn; NOW, TEEREFORE, FE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMIS:1H, OF' THE CITY Or' ALAMEDA. L hat the dRacriptier. of the property on Rey. ?arm. Isled dedicated to public pur- poses as a playcrouna by. Resolution No. 31.03, oaesed. March. 6, 1945, be, and the some is hreby, corrected. to read as follows: That certain piece or parcel. of land. situated in. the. City of Alamo:On, County of Aircyada5 State of California, more uhrticumally cescited pm follows: A parcel of land 300 feet in width, Poing a. portion cf xmM 3, section 50, Townhhip 2 South, Banape 3 West, MUD, Ey Nu, as said irt is shown on. fidat certain. Map antitied. 'Bele Mac No. 10 of Shlt Marsn ard Tide Leinds situated. in. the Countv" of Adfameda, State of CaDifernia," filed. for record in. the Office of the County Recorder of Alameda OccinMy on tne 9th docy of' 1881 , emd therein. recordRd in Libor 17 of Maps at FO.ge 30, saio parcel. being mmre harticclarly described as follcws: OOPMBNUING at a concrRte monament, aarlidng point No. 8 in the "Learders rf the inner fine of Salt, Marsh. on Isixfa. FafLTIU cm said point hnd line are simian on. ,ISale Map FP, 10" nereinabove referred to, ohd funmAng thence PUT:mg saim line NE110)4 35" 02) 0" "fle:st 09.68 feet; thence laiRming said line and forminfi North 36* 40Y 50" East 1'55„55 feet to a print, said POiOt being 230 feet on. a right ancle northeasterly: from the northeasterly. line of Maitland Drive :60 feet in wiculf) and said point is the true point Of cevinnins ndr thR parcel of lemd herein described.; thRnhe alendi Course Yo. 1 '1o.;i1; 361 40t 50" Nest 496.76 feet, more or less, to a point in the East idnh of said Lot 3; thence Course No. 2 North. aiong said. Last lime of sadd Lot 5, 559,04, feet, more or less to a point, said point. beim): SOO foot cm a rigiat arsale nRrth- mehterly from. Coarse NO. 1 extended. mormnerlyd thence Course NR. 3 canoe. p6* 4.0i 30" Tiedt 604y01. feet, more or ifecem to a. point, said mmint being 236 feet. Northeasterly at right angles from aforesaid IUMIMRiasterly line of Maitland. Drivh; Phenco OCY-ITSe We. 4- Bec1)0 33' 1.91 50" Root (Parallel to teeittian. Drive) 6)00 feet to the potlei of COMTAINING 4.10 Acres, more er less. 1, the untiereigned, hereby certify that the foregnyini: Resciinpi 0))1 icas dmiv regtuitarly introduced.. hnh onopted. ay the CDOOOOLI.. of' tha City- OT: Alameda in reguledi meeting assemanied on thm Iiiitn day. of difiv. idAR, by the followinfm, vote, to wit! AYESE Councilmen Howe, iRries, Osborn, ilfmRmey fula Fresident nronscheic. )3). HAMS: Imre. IN WITNESS WORREOFA hovR frareunto set my.. band. and. affixed. the official seal of said. City TOOLS ifith day of May, i943. GT: k of the City of Alameda 2 I hereby. certify t,IFet the foregoing. is a fell, true. and. correct copy of "Resolution We. 3138, OOPPD";TING DIESFRII'TION. Of' CERTAIN' illiriPEfiFY. eif rallifigTliti TO IFifIJ iffSil FOR PIgIrGROMT, BY RESOLUITIaN Tifb 3103," inttgibped. end adopted by the Council. on tbe lyth. day. af may, 194.5.