Resolution 03142RESChU(11=): ND. . AFFF aTE o FOR TIFIC CI TY MANA 1C ATTEND CONFERENCE glidabghTB)011 La_0...g,g1RECUIPTTYC :FEW •MMUIThei(m a conference of Government officials is soon. to be hold. ih. Washington. Da c. on. One nattar of constructing a. crop000d new 'lithe across the tho Council considaro it advisable and necessary that tha City. of Alameda he represented at such chnforenhe; NOW, TKERBYT1bh Ig RE:Ea:TED, that: City hanogar, Dan. G. :McMillan, ha, and. Le is hereby, ilothorizad. and directed th go ta Wcsiting(tch, D. C. for the -purpose of representgng the City of: idamada at shoh. conference, and FE IT FUggrER HESOLVITu that the cur. of Five Filodrad. hollers ($500.) be, aad the snmo is hereby, appropriated. to gaiMb(ly tnn hacessary expense of heid trip. the utadersign.ed, hereby ce)itily that the foregoing( Resolution was (1111:Y (owl a 17-i. Y int Ill.):10, 43 Ca end adopted by the Council of thte alty INM(grado in:special meeting assembled an the 24-1e) way of LaY, 1945, iht Vie following vote, to wit, freifiCh C ounce miles , Howe ehoJeehey and. Frani dent Itherrichaidg (4), NCES: lehtilT71b, C oche Ira n. Cs bo rn , (1 ) CITTFESS WITERFO.F. 12.5,2,re hereunto set my hand. end. affixed the soca Of ehe City' tihis 25th dh5., icay. 11 CLARK hdlt -(12 T icor-airy o citify that the foregoing is c. fu.1.1, true, and. correct: cotey of hEtesolution No. 2)142„ .22)..TITIORIZA(11:011) TEE CITY 1,141(blitiEli TO ATTEND COFIFFRENCE 11(.1 did.221172211127101d, 12. C. rhiCARDITIG 2.(22(c"Tittet,), itetrod.uothi. ond adopted. by the Coancil on. tho 24th. day of hay., iCti(i.