Resolution 0320087 RESOLUTIJON MO. 3200 AUTHORIZING SETT MANAGER ED MAKE APPLICATION TO STATE DIRECTOR OF 'FINANCE -on RENATE OF TEEM CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR STAPP ASSISTANCE IN DEERSKINS' COS9' OF STREET AMR HICPWAY IMPROVEMENT PLANS (PR) JECT WINFREAS, the State 11 California under Chapter 4W, Statutes of 1944, (4th Extra. Sessi3n) Las appropriated. fundh for allotment by. the Director of Fluanon to provide financial assistance to Focal Agencies defined therein as counties, cities or cities end counties for the purpose of defraying nnt to exceed, one-half thw cost of preparing engineering field surveys, engineering or architec- tural designs, and morkinc and detailed dremingo and. specifications (hereinafter called zElans") required. for postwar Dublin works projects desonised as "specific projects" in said Act; Grd. maLks, the City of Alameda dasires to apply to the Director of Finance and/or the post War Public Works Review Board, as the case may be for an allo ment of the Stahels share of tho estimated cost of preparing the completed. plans hareinaftor mentioned, and there has Pee, . prepared and presented to this ingisia- hive Body for considsration an application for such purposn; and WEEREANn said City. has provided, or will malbn aysliatle oxen approval of the aforementioned application, sufficient funds to prepare the comninted plans herein. mentioned; DOW THERKTDRE, BE KT REECE:VEIL that sold City submit the aforesaid. appli- cation tO the Tires-Icor of Finance endnor the Post War Public Worldw Review Board, as the case mry be, repowsting allotment of Forty -fivn Hundred ($4500.) Dollars, being nwt sore than one-half the cost of rreparing said. completed plans, or nrr snub; smouwt as may he approved by tnn Director of Finance andjor tne Post Tar Pun- lio Worns Review Board, (said allotment to be used for the purpose of defraying thn cost of preparing sai1 . completed plans required.) for a specific project to bo undertaRsn by said. City and. obsorited an Project ro,. 2 -- imrrovnment Plans, Tern - sign BonTavarc, rTOM (Minimal Avenne to Bay Knrm Island Bridye; BE TT ()PREFER RESOLVED, h(lah the estimated. onst of preparing such. plans :IS Nine Thwunnun ($9000.) Dollars, and that said. City has mane provisions for payins ons-hnir or MO2C of the cost of preparing such plans; LE if FUREDED RESOINIE that for the purposes of this applioution, McMillan, City Manager of the City of Alamedw, be, and. he hnreby is, Cbsignoted. an the authorized.. agent of said City. and in hereby aahnorized. and directed to sign. the above mentionwd. application. OD behalf of said City- and submit the sGme to the Diinotor of Finance ahL/or the rwst War Dublin 'Works Review Sward together zhth a certified. statesent of the estimated oDst of preparing such plans and such. other information. as may be required; and sand authorized. agent is further authorized. end directud, as the representative of said City, to condnct all.. negotiations and. conclude all arrangemnnts. including suhmissinn to the 'Director of Finance of ap- plications for reifiliarsement, sMtich say be secessury to secure reimbursemnnt for. the Mtatevs share of thn expenditure wade iw preparing. said completed plans. 11 * the unersinrnd, hereby certify that the roregoing Pasolation. was duly and regularly introduced ern. adnpted by thn ColinciO. of thn City of Alambda in regular meetiAg assembled on. tne 2ist dwy of .Ausust, 1945, by. the follozing vote, to wit: nvES: CourcilLah Mowe, Fopec, Szwerey and Presidach Eransoheld, (4). Done. IcfrvIC Ccurci wan Osborn, ;1). IN 11' EKSO 5PERniK, I have ferearto Let mv rand and offixec tne official ee. of ncia City thin 22nd day c2 Auguct, 10(15. _ PP CLARK, j_ (REAL ) City. Clerk of the City. of Alameda 88 I heroty sertify that .theiforaniaiimg is a fell, true and. correct copy of "Fhaolution Rs. 3200, AUTECRIZENG CITY IDDISSIDE TO MANE APPLICATION TO STATE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ON FEMALF CF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR STATE ASSISTANCE IN =RAYING- COSI OF SINFMIE RMD EIGEWAY IMPROVELFEIS PLANS (PROTECT intro- duced and. adopted. by the Counoil On. the 21st day of hatsNst, 1945. Cite 1 ;: o 1tT 1 'as/