Resolution 03202til RESOLUTION NO. 3202 AUTHORIZING CITE MANAGER TO FAKE APPINCATIOF TO STATE DiRECTOR OT' FINANCE ON BEHALF OF OPE CITY OE ALAMEDA FOR STATM ESSIETANCE IN DEFRATINC COST OF STREET REP ITAFROVEPANN'T INANE (PROJECT NE,„ 4), WEERNAS, the state of California under Chapter 47, Statutes of 194-4, (4th Extra Session) has appropriated. funEs for allotment by. the Director of Finance to provide financial. aseistantt to Local Agencies dafined thtrein as counties, cities or cities and counties for the purpose. of Cafruylng not to exceed. one-half the cost of precalCum enginfering surtaya, engineering or erfnitefttral de- signs, arid worPlng std.. datailed drawings and specifications (hareineffer called. (Finns") rectired for postwe putlic worSt projects descrittf as "specifit projects" in. said. Apt; atd. 'UNIENEAS, tre City QV Altmean desiret to aptly to tha Director of Finance endjor the Post. War Public Works Peview Seamd, as the case may be for an. allotment of the Statens share of tht eatimettd cost of iNnatering tha completed plans herein- after stetiontd and tftre has been prepared et.d. presented to fittis Legislative Bony for consideration. at. applitetion for such purpofe; and MAEJLLAS, said Citry nas promihed, or will. mete available upon antreval of tne aforementimutd. appiieofifu, sufficient funds to prepare the completed plans harein centithedo; FOW IsgRoseRn, Pr IT A(CSOLFEC, fitt said. City' submit the aforesair. sp,bdUs- catjon to tht Director of Finante and/or the Post War Ttblie Works Review Board, cs the case may. be, refuesting allotment of Ivo Thousond (S2000.) Dollars, being not tore than one-balf the cost of preparing gait comptetad plant, or Dor such amtunt as may ice approved. by tna LErectar of Finance and/or the Post War Public 'Yorks Review Board, (half ellotnett to be used. for the purpose of hefraying tne doct of nreparing said comp eted plans require()) Tor a specific, project 1.0 be under- takaf. by. said. City and described.. Ea: Project No. -- Tstrovestht Plans, Pacific Amtnue from weester Etrott to Main Street with. 2 raaW street connecting Pacific Ave- nue with Lincoln INenhe between. Ath. otd 5th Streets; PE IT FURTHER NESOLITED, that the estimated cost of preparing such +Shins is Four ThousetE. (34,000.) Collars, and that maim [City .IAUS mete protifien for baying one -hali or more of Vas cost of preparin ssfU. plans; DE IT :FORTNER RESOW.AND, that for Vie purposes of this application, Don . , C. N2jjltuod. OitY Naluadtr of tht City of Alameda, be, and. ne hefegy ma, hbfre„mt, POtta')aiaa'al agent of said City anh ls nereng autforLmed and. directed to 51.6n. Jbe above NendUtnte(application en fehoisi of sand. City and safmit the same to tbe Uirector ofgFinatte and/tr tre Etst 'Mar Publit Warits Review Board together with. a fortified. statement of fn.:: estimated cost of preparing such plans and. such otttr lofOrmatAse Maa fe redulred; enc. suid aufnorized. agent is further authtrifed. 1 'Conclude all arrenttments, influoint. so:injector. ft tht Director of ()Inegfe o„ -pit. caNiffs for teimtutsamort, which may be recessmoy tD S3CUTC. reimbursement LUE 'aaCa .f` +he ether-titers made in oremaring said completed. piens. I, tha undareigntd, sereby certify' tnwt frt. foregoing desolution was duly ant. regulartt tafftsttea ute. sus?fet dy the sruncit ol ewe aauf miumene in regular stating assestied on. tte Phst duy of Rtgust, 1p45, by the follcminu vote, to wit: AYES) Caumetibrot. Mowt, tones, 0weetty and Pmesidant Brensettid, (JUL, NOES: Etre. BSENT) Counfilmen,tsborn, IN RIINESS PPEWROCIE, T hate hareunto set my isan and aeffirod. the offi- cial. seal of said city Wats 22nd. dty of August, 1945. UREAI) City Clerk. of tre City of-Alameda 92