Resolution 03203RESCIETION 110) 3203 AUYE.ORIEINR CITY RANAGER TO RAFE ATTITCAIREA TO STATE FIRE'S:Y(20R OF Fellft0E" ON BEITAIT" COF TITS CTTY OF ALARThided FOR SIAtilt ASSISRAERE ITICRRIARING COST OF STREET AND TEICRWAY IMPROVER:FONT SIAN'S (ENOJECT NO. WHEREAS,. the State of California under Chapter 4R, Statures of 1944, (4th. ERtra SPstsion) has appropriated funds for allotment by the Director of Finance to provide finarolal sesistanue to LopaS. Apechics derided. tbercim as counties, cities or cities nisi counties for trip purpose of defraying not to expose chp -half the cost of preparing eneneeering field. surveys, en.gispering or architentbsal de- signs, SE.d. working and hbeaTied. drawires and steRrifichtions (hereinafter called. "Planed) required for postRar public works projects eNscriCed as 9specific prciectso in sale. Act; one. FetittraftS) ietb) CritY of Al ontorla desires tto apply to the Fitectot of ihnneutce ond/cr tho PCPS'S: b,ar hurtle RorEs Noview Proord, ae the pose msy be, fon an colctment of the State(s dhare of the ectimatee cost of preparing tro complebee ;chins IlSre- inaft:_yr mentionod, and there Las been prepared see presented to info nod3olesive Pody for cebeinetotion bo applicntion for such purpose; end WISPREbS, said City hno oropined, or eine roko ovellahle upon nctroval Cr ti:SS aforementioned, applicatibn, dufficiatt fund ts prepore the corRebtee plans therein Rentiched. fiCi)( TOTORRictint). tot de feteSOLS111, trent) said ty robed' t tor cosecs in ftgi- 1-)a oolsi t o Truro c r of Finance tone/or tho tot ft Lee r public Works Rts vied DOQI'd Rs the y- be, rtfouppri er; nttIctiront of onne Thotrand bolters , heti:etc not Rote tban one-half ire coot of preparipo soid ocRpletee oleos, ot fbr such inittpbuitt ns „lay be achittoped by the isireo tor of Yin:fens enti3oxf tho Post Fat Futoi-fc nforlon Revinty °hotrod, allOCcreriS CC, be used for the :doorpost oe ()err:ht./loth the coot of preparing: delb completed utbos rebui-bo) etre s scerjfic frojent to hn 'and:arts:nen C 'SC; '11,71 CS.3.-''Cri t,,S,C.! as 'Pro :Rs p No. 3 — Intprefo shoo t Flans , Ear?, Stitoot (rode 0 n Fri n tc: oft re' dare ; th ShrThaif RESOeveb, CSSS thr so:tiro:too coat of tor:charier auch nJans Ls soso Tossssfd (Y.OdP00„) Collars) are tnat shie City hss rate hrovinicaa for paying 01S0-,ati.af 02 oe int COJC o;' creocrind ouch plans. SR IT FORTTER RER0IVAD, thei for tic hcroonts or thid boplicatioo, Lon or, botoietiate, city ottepecor ileo stity Alerophi, on, otod ho etasecy crolipottee as tLe of 3it2 Loreny buthernspo cod directed CS) Sleft 'iCSS aplaiGati.011 hoicalf of sold trinst nen torstotio the dento to the phsou tor op' Fines:re bib /or tite Foot tier Itoblic corns ei loodpin therther th nettst ifiod statraent, of' the C,C1`,E,C SCIS,,lifj nod Rooth otrer in thonto Lior .:1.6cy reorneohd; and said author-I zed berth; is further aueSori rod :non Ofrecoro, toe rechesentotivst seld City, to connect steectintRotin (hid SOESisdC3 pli arrothersento, lociuding suhmisdion bo tons Inceptor of Tisanes) of' ap- plications ort toitirthorsemenR, whirr: rRy bo oedessprp to secure toitionssencht for toe Statots share of toe ebsenbitoto Rohe ID proposing sold completed claps. , the unbehstRiffned, hereby- certify' trot tto foregping Ehoolution wbs duly and reanliarly Introduced. LRAM odopted. by the Council. of the City rf AlarshiG. in nefoRlar .meeiind asserbRbd on tbe dist day of Archets. 1.343, by tte fofiRconing voir, to wing ANTE: counciinotts Sonp Cones , sweeney and Free-) dent bre :pecans:1r , (4) . none) ARTIEbt To 0 0 stir i boas Os born , I ) IE 371EESS) Werthbffiff, I have reoRrato set Rd hcrof trio affixed the off' - nitd sent of saibl City this 2ded froy cf ApyptioAR if4S, ss Lis is. LTro,sr_ (sFAIrj ciL:s of orb: tarty of Alaroda. 94 I hereby certify .tLat. tn.) foregoisyr, is a full, true and correct cony' of Y-Rsso,lution. No. 3203, .P.UTECRIZING OTTE! YANACER EIC.C.IO SOPYIJOillaCT TC sTAal EJNECNNEECE OE' TINANCE UN BEHALE' OE' THE CITY OE' ALAMEDA FOR ETAME ASSISTANCE IN sTREET 1"7.ANE (Pri0:17CT GTIG. arcptcd by the Council. on L.116 fray of .Acygust, Cifty of the City sf AlEmEda