Resolution 03208100 Nii3SCLUTiar- NO. 3I0O AN2ROTINN altft ADOPTING- N. BULGET IFOTd. THE FIUC4L FEniff. 194in -46.; 1:.tifiROPFIATITStS, CERSaffN MCNFIS FOR THE ENFENDI - TURES TeRCVILET IN SAID BUDGET FOR. SUIT. FISSAL 500.11; 1.:1.:IFFITIFfi CERTAIN 5SIPENDITURES YERETUFaRF: ;CADE. WhId6Vve, there has been autmitted to, and. fnied witn, sato Cornelia at anas meeting, a. budget representing a. firsndial plan for canunating the affairs or the Oita. of afameas for the fiscal. year bemidatrev. July' I, 194.5., acd eaa'ing JUrs 30, 1946, which budget is marked, "finled with fro Clay 0-tannic in ...Tea meet- :tag of the City Couch LL , September .4, ihgCta:" BfaTi, TaFFitilanfw, LE IT RUSOLVED BB SPE COUNCIL OF 0SE CITY OF alfghligiDA. that sand. hudget as submittud. to this Co:Ind-id. at tads mooting, and esch syd evary part therecf, oe, noel the sams is pereby. approvud and acopted. 8..S thee 0-aUet for the City of Alameda ror tbe ftscad. year -46, art. Lout the egourcatuTes of tne various sueds of moray thatwan. oTovieud to be spent. for 'each specifio purpose, and the seanral purposes there5n set forth for whica such. expendYtures are provided to be mhhu Chandler S,id fiscal year be, and tfl6 saulo ore ',hereby, approved. and authorized. BE 'IT rUFSINSR RFICIOLITEB atiat there be, snU are hereby, appropriuted. for the fiscal guar 194,5-40, for the prasse of meeting Ufa cost of salcries ono wages batd. officers and. employees, the cost of majnfocance, ocerazinn, and for cohtnent other capital outlay- of tnn pespectivu dupamtments, davisions, offices and. boards of the City, arid for all. other purposes designated. in said rudgat for tree respective purposes of.' the sat& nepartmaints, ditistors, offices and boards of ths City, and. :170:17 SUCD. seeeten funds and. othmr purposes neeignated. in said budget; End BE IT FURTEER RESCLaBD tvnt all of the approprisai.oas berata nrovidnd npr ewe mene out ch Lae Ueneraf. for the fiscal.. vuom 1945-46, exoert thoss made to or for purposes for watch. spacial.. funds tuna eatoblistah, shd as to such lust muntionsd. purposes said. apl.ffspriations are muds out of'tene apecici funds respectivefy establisned. therefor. BS RESOLYND that such expehditures es may. have. been. made by the sovorat departmsnto, dtaiwions, offices and beards of fru. Cita. after the be- ginning of the fiscal. ysar 194tO -46, ann prior to tbe adoption or this resoluttor, and. hums been or may be duly approved by ths City Auditor, are hereby tied, conffrmsd. and approved, and. vaall be respectively. cbsrged against the approuria- tions nureic cad in. said budget protfied. for. I, tas undsraturud, rsreby ceritly tout ti:le foregoing Itesoluition was auly. and recut-Offaly iptroarmed. and. adopted. by the Council of the City. of li4medu in reguiar meeting. shapmhicd. oh. the 4th day of. September, 194a, by tile following vote, to wit: AYES: CoudollUgan. Suon, hones, Swsonsy and President aioaresole,,. NOES: None. lutaitaal: Csancigazan :3sborg IN WinTISESS WHFRLUT, hats hereunto act my Parr and. affdand tne offi- cial. sebi of aaid City this title. day of September, 194Sa (thfcsa',, J. CLA City Clutt 6 City ui A77771 nerreby cereri, tionot rroreEolno-„' o e true rr,' currant copy of 5csatufica Ia. niasaNtJ3 ga:OfitInS IttNOCHT 'FOS, TIP FINGAL fIIth 1945-40; SAIB FMSCAL 7Naa: 47.OF Nail:FIBS ChaTATB IanattITUFFS INBUTOFONt. atahh,t intraCuced fop snort-nod py zbe CounniJ au she Ith cloy of Szosember, 334h, 'iti.ty/f.hfg.rm of the a77-7:Thratuin ,,/