Resolution 03209ielDECEUTTOS. 'NO. 320, EXPEESSINE TS THE F.A.MILY INET.allEI GRETEI, A EffaER. CITY EMPLOYED; THE APINISOIDEGION 07 YEE CLOY( ALIONEDA 03' HIS FOUL/ ANL. FAITHFUL SERVICE nET EEEENSINE ITTE SEEPETITI SNIE OftLINC1I. IN FES .NEOSET DEENTSE vselffiEWSL NOEVEN Cr. GREEN, d forsber employee of the Cit.y of Alameda hassed. cyst of this life tha the 2.2/Da fay of August, 1945; and WITEREAS, the said. SORTIE OREELI Sluff/ie.: DYIS tifEttiMe, receer we the City Alame6a .EniENDcll and 'loyal service extendinF over a perioc. of twos e.t y-toto years; NOW, THEREFORE, FE IT RESOLE-S.1/ BE TYE OEUECl/L OF TEE CITY 0I' ALAYEDA. that for and on Calsolf of the people of the City of ElamedG it dEes Cereby press to thn fanaly of the said EEEVIE JE GREEN the warm cppreciosleh. of tha City' for the service so well performed ono; it3 deep cyanhiLny in.. Leis time of their bereavement; and. BE IT FUETEER RESOIEED, 'boat PeeolsNion be Spread fUll cher" the El/lutes of SELLS MeeEith/.. and that, a. coo y' thereof be forwarded to tioe famMly of the deceased as a. testimonial of the high sateen is which his sennsny. is Cold by the City of Alameda- I, the andowsisnef, hereby certify that the folsescine Easelutelon was (ally and reptswycly isocreconnee and ecootec by tile Council t e Ctty- 1:ylayiieda Nn. reEttltar creactlats, assembled as the th Eay /..Nete/wwer, 194E5, tha, cotitlytmlyit VOte, tO Wit: Councilmen Howe Jones Sweeney and Presil dent Talc chel (Al NOLE: .AE-NeNsaf: Councilman Gencon, (1). blIGNESS heave liaresunto sat hE Chessl end affixed. tine nit:tri- o:Lai seal of salc. City Galls .5th cay. 9,15, J. P. CLARE (SEAL) OitTGI77s. of teh City ot Itar(rOy• cerbilly that the farnevoing a full., true erne corfelE ScIff./ "PesolufainT Eh. SINUS, SINIFEESYNG TEE•FAMIET Of' DEEVIE CNESIEW aEfaESS SILL' ENNIO/YEE, GEE ATERNOIESNOD CY' TEE CITY CV' ALAMEDA OF NIS LONG AEE FAITEEUI SFR - VICE Atli. NITENDING TEE SYNEENEY Ob"INIE OCERECII. IN 'CPC SEISNENT IlEALNIE, introduced ..!..and adapted by the clobsccell en tale ilth. day of Septenther, J.E.oef). C i t'N-7/7 C of bile 101