Resolution 03210RESOLITOINON NO. 3210 AUTHORIZING intEPOSIT OF PUBLIC FUNtett IN Atiaqhftt. TNACTIVE DEPOSITS IN.CERTAttla EAttited _ - trtiit coaitair, act, of Tiro Isendieeetne.neeri, OS SSS, ",it,e tit CSi 'ets.:;;O; SSLISaee: 'Seel SO deCniner:Ze and nohtssoi cro O',phsit in bendo of tattay heiteat ns. *0 Or SOS dy riO any c o y son ouri ty, ty cor cipyron p s or muniolpal orrery; hisr, t S tr. ad repo* opros dedni SSE; le par.'t elen"Ndi L.1,:.-31.s2redin. any of are other nrasj sions saic3 sot tee 1,,dedeSeiddeS ddy, nO Pe IL by LoH ['ICJ; e**01;eSS Snarl ',.:yce,..;;; ooposi ,; sihso shod an ease's' into corcrahts pc]aLinap tpera'so any Etote or Itatishatt bank in doe- elf dens; Si end, cr.:P:1d]. if!, re it, it* to lestrdneeet; of intoncat on two:olio fonds es ane now er may horeaftar be eftesorthed t; any eot ol tfou uutteroatt of ino teatted 'elnoted or uulee haoetinetions of rtily itipartmett ucta,it Litt ttte.aeraI ttovenducaU aoanouth pursuont zUhocid ana ',nonce Soled eetd, eel OS 'or re ialdOnO,„ „I.:parse novo:pi_ ;sirs rind:Lir; raLorio. oi ors op) ssonsinso roe hoar:snot of intarost on deodoits oa oubnio fauna ay ontenr bettes of tte Pee:Zed:TS :Oned,..** at benna the dayoseto of toiota Lao iondrod by tint, fan:erne fhpoeit Tnsur a adoe Noyondrotton and whicL notat ituev ;de reaniaticas governing tee ocynent of intaront stro Got:ft:L.1ot ?wine the ondvishind of 'hold') eon; and 'AreTftNatttOd,, tnis Couneil redogniees abet a conflict botween. State and "federal flows one reors.La t ions orry porisrsoz NOW, TtiTRYCdtat, ON IT vitIOOLUEld BY TFE f tEtettft OF attite: CITY OTO AIAMETJA teat the City- Counana noreby coheents that the City. T'oneasuren hoosit, end ea is eareby aufoni zed *mpowere6 to deposit, fends of tito City. os en. Inactive Denottit in the following nsmod. banhe ohh in ET: ofhount not onceedin,o tno sat-, set ottposize tha nome of Seedoii beano, os folicywo.1 Eaten,. Amerioa. fretandroal ?nest ana Sovideno Association - tfttfiti,000, Lir IT FOSriii,Lir s -Lion City 0 nyinc lai Persio:y consents tha ti,e SS's% :y 'Soso s airs ss lan e s Is ',se dee r or: a ori 'zed ;11C; e Ced...re 7' d C. epos i.. , oath. OliaSas is,s, cloy pot Si ophoottod :its ass Liar ti rural dee „;,„,,,,t 1,f:4,i:sit in ttle Einti. not sEtt opp,ittitti titc, ita.311 L**Se..;:de ellenne; eomel of Atoorioa National 'afeust ante tenvinitat AcoodloIltati - 6e0,000,. tift, 003 . tta00.iiittith. Setteintedi, totte t the Treenurcr ,;eded. die id; .Oeldebye, and ,nnende.pnennn -* dieSeOfreilde .1.11 d tereSetiedi SIOSCS idonetilit Of InSieFeS S.11Sell ;De cid- p0Ofited. Odd out in:active 1:taro:to:it cad what amount of iloncy antiAl be doechited es an Ade,...neVire DedOOS "'I'. ;Add Snr..1.01.1; lidse; end:Ode ndene:;,...d. besSS L;st "Ix) co: se spoyl oiloh Lotirs Deposit, oyos, yorrn osor hi hoInos chicsirT„ lora n,Stos riaL,* sortions. bar e pro- vided, rS,:,Sfaed-SdS 7OSPSISSO2 , She n Ok.OS "e'd, SOO SOLLendedinS de*Cd, oonfr orf, a 'cosi - siono te;;;-.;;;Sd, SOS I'deddensel :I a too roott11-..oLertoto o, too prov o ooio o; uo rrott atocroo ro:SYsiar on sr tops dd City:* ht: amadi, s !*:*1 vA,a. t ,,,,Tanu;it of noney smut leo dovesitud SS :inactive Denosits And tye rate or rssno Of latetest, II,0000n net less than 1/2 cf aLO shell CatormiLi ahai oryounie of loodev te.auw! he conoettea OS AotIve repeolon dad oho rate oh roftt of tfterest eansteien, if onyo. ftii;:e' 01, V.' , etf.R. ttot O e e eo e teti c e pc sj. sireift be Seise eSeenefeen Seen Sni tne LOS' tense. L COI:Oldie de (ind Or; eno,Ineennnle s leS. deneS ettS tennhts by oho Trooseher Se tac Cie:a of Alannha for 'Dre (Orooeit of :rio '1 o fOool our6 !ot, t) o erovisirore 0 T., of s anened, which antheethohi ottd Tneosurer in litnattot doonftiood nnd c000wseed, to tat Lot- Into. deny omo neaudaytiy inthooateeO Adm. ocopten ay tile Council eV yns ditto of Aanimeda in aonalah tdeetinet, assembled on the tith day of Septombern 1245, by. the fotiowiag vote, to wit: 103 nefLE: Geoncimafee hewe, ehhbs, Sweeney- enc. President BInnacheie, (4). NTLZ: Done. ;LinfILIla Coahcilmem Osborn., 11). waTNEss mDLE1Lbn neve. hereunto eat my hand. are) affiLu the °fad a oini. boo) of soid City thns Etn. day of Shhtenher, 1Y4.5. Cleinc. of thb City of Almada I hereby. cemtify that the ferajoies is a. full, true omd, cofTect copy of oReeodueion yh, de10, ADTHODODZIEUL DEIKEME2 UF TOIL:CD FUNTS ACTaVE PIM INACTIVE bd.:POSITS DC CERTAITE nANEE," intTaeuhee and betahLed. by bbe Councaa. on the 4th Lay of Septeptur, 1945. CiliebX of tbe Cit.6- of Alanedb