Resolution 03212106 SUPlEITMISORS BTiffhlOTIOF ETI. 32r2 C T.A.BAGELE TO SESIFEST OISE BCFIRD (FE TEE COCIFSO) OF ALAITEDIA ST ASSIGN: i WS:BREWS, tha State of California, ane(r. Shooter Stotuber of 194-4 (4th Extra (Ai:poplin), !ins approbibliatec funan for soliotxpEt. to local. ngwooles, delis:et thnreln an oities, ocuntiAs, or oities snd coufatios, for thn puraoss of effpnying not. to exneed one-half' (,),) of the ocst of fropering pions for pontyrT putlio projects in. ',Nairn tnese is a. gtate interest (an punlifind by' soid Act), all an est nfrth. in said. Act; arr.) wa(EBTFAS, it ds desirable that the City of Alemada shnold sonly to the cgunrw of wipmeds for ur assignment to TS of 'ore (m..ri of )(40,0u0. from. the fanris elinonten to said IiimBda. County' by mle State of Oniiforria; NOW THW.R.S.M(1), Pn Mr f(EmOTAED BY STT: COBNCIL OF' TIFF. CITY OF ALITOOP rne City' Imiae)mm.) of tnn City or Alnmena be, ann re in nereby, autforixed ana. directe4. to apply to the Board. of Supervisors of the .County of Airmeda. erd reernst tort assignmput of said. sum. of (I4(0,))00. De meee by tne County ilanmeda fc the, dity of Alameda from. the Corr.() allocated to the County of Alamedp thn T„ Inn urPnrsigned, (nFroby certify float tho forego:Argo Resolution vas. Brmy end. Imm(:slarly' introdionen and adopted. by the Carroll of jibe Slimy- of Aiamedo in. regular meeting: assembles., on the 4th day of septembier, 1.SAS, by thn VolTsrirg -yobs. to wit: ASOMM). Counolimnp Howe, jinxes. Sweeney- ond ETesinent Piannonrid, (4). FOES: abEEFFI: Councilman Osborn, (1). TN wiTNESS WITR-CTOTR I Immm: Umreumte eet ty heeld umC. RffiRed the uffi- elut.. seal of' self( rimy tnis etb. dog' of Sertemiser. lIFFT. , (3] not- eh.' the CI eR: Lit:me:Rio — nerery certify 'pnat Lne foregoing is a full, true and.. norreso copy of rwroolutiou 3O1O, ATTHORJZINO OhTR '.'On.et-Reg TO RTTJTRT ECARD CB' SUTEW a NISCSE) ?LE COLLIS'S OF ASSI0t,1 TEE; CITY OF Mitielatt:l. ITIR SUM OF rou,OOO.,,7 lhtroduned egaptea hy' the Cousail on inn stio r,f genrsggas, 1J4n. • . . S ix y bilbsns or -17.17;7,:edarT