Resolution 03275HESOLUTIOE HO. 327,5 CEEATIHR a HARE: PLANEIHO AND TIRF,NSFEHRING 0,2,660. „1.7ERCRO: CAPITAL OUTLqS FEUD FORERETOt_ V.:1=AS, the pl.thlic payias in the City of Llamede require e. substantial capital outlay' for ex:nsio.n. and alajor improvemoat therepf; and "TY'REPH3,. the creation of new public parks in the City of Alameda is contemplated by the City Council; and WHEREAS, it is n:ecescary. and. proper that funds be drawn from the tcl Outlays Fond for the paccpose of pre:Dazing necessary plans to fulfill the ralawe objective; NOW, THEREF022, BE TT REsoLvm EY THE CCU:Hera OF TEE CITY OF ARYIEDA that a fund to be known. as "Park Planning Fund" is hereby created, ER: EtR HURT= RESOLVED that the suft of 0_2,660. be, and the same is hereby,. taaansferred from the Capital Outlays Fund of the City of Alaaeda to said Pbrk Planning Fund, The Audit.or and Treasurer are hereby autOcTioed and. directed to create said Park Planning "Fund cad to. make the necessary transfers on their recopective books. *** * * * * * * *** I, tho undersicned, hereby certify that the foregoing: :Resolution was duly and rvaEct2H:CIFy introduced and. adopted by the Counbil of the City of Alameda in regoalRon Ecastine assembled on the 5th dcco of February 1946, by the following vote, to wit: AE72: Councilmen Howe, Jones, Osborn, Sweeney and Presid.ent Faranscheid, (5). tOto: Race. AROIRET: Hone, IN MEMOS WIREREOF, hay-e hereun.to set my Eand and. affix,ed. the offi- cial seal of said City thias bth. day of February, 1546. Sa: P. CLARK 0 1ty R16:7 of Hie CitY 01 fRa.-00c0RHE b.ereby certify that the forego-ins is a full, true ,ar:d. correct copy of "'Resolution "No. 5275, ODEROFIEIG PLEO: PIEHTEING HEED AND TELINSFERREING tt12,660. FROIR CAPITU OUTLAYS FUND THERETO," introduced, all a adopted by the council on the 5th day of ltetoccary, 46. • City Clgrk of the Cit:y• of Alasaied„a , /