Resolution 03296214 RESOIDEION NR. 3296 °SPATTER- OWE ADDITIONSI POSITION- OF SENIOR SIENOGRAPHFR AND DUPE ADDITIONAL POSITIOMS OF MNSTREERING AIDE IHE STREET DEPARMSENT OF TEE Cliff OF ALAMEDA AND FIXING RAE SALARIES THEREOF. _ FI1 RESOINED BY FPI COUTICII: OF PRE CITY OF SUMILETIA az follows: SECTION 1. One (1) additional positlon of Senior Stenographer, in the Street DeTatUtnent of • the City- -1 Alameda , be , and. the same is herebys crested and e s ta blishedi The salary for suca. position is hereby fixed at per month. SECTION 2. ThT0o (3) additional positions of En.gineering Aldo, in.. the Street Department of the City' GT Alameda, be, and ate same afs hereby created and. established. The salary' for each.. such aditinnhl position is hereby fixed at pC r kkalth o0 . tre basis of a th.Prty-eirt hour work week, and. the straidht time hourly rate from thirty-eidat (38) hours to and inGludind fcmtty(40) hout•s work per week is hereby irLred at ;:,1; that tr( hourly rate for caer forty (40) hours work ppr week is hereby fix'ed at 1..,11A:. ca******Vii• I, the undersigned, hereby certify M:mat the foregoing Resolution was duly and. renttnrly introduced anM. adorted by the Council 1 thm City oT Alameda in regular meeting szseakied on the ipth day of Atril, 1946, by the following vote, to wit: AYES.: Councilmen Move, Forts, Osborn, Sweeney and.. President 7Tanscheid, ( 5 ) SMITS: one. ADSEET: Fbne SMF7IES3 ITIRTUFF, I hayn herenrto set my hand and an:fixed the offi- cial seal. of said City this 17th of April, 1f46. _ J. TR OLASIF SiAny Cjntrk of the CF: Ivy lidrieda 7 fereby fy that `Ol.,:o foregoiric s , true and. correct copy of d e s Dab, on ho. ,d29b C Tri: 1.1") 81. 71011 C 21.di. II 0 "2 "3"1274:0 fii1dribf2 100D dld 71' .2 !OPT TIC 7 21. fl0' ST217 C 07 211: 1 1 7F C r '211;1; S 2911. 022 , 210 (LU061 did ado brie d 1(1 o t he 1 111 t id Oy of ",..2`)**; 1 04 40 CitY Clerk of the Clt1 of Alam,