Resolution 03350RESOLUTION NO. 3350 ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POSITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AND FERING THE SATERIES AND RATES OF COYPENSA- a= FOR SUCH POSITIONS AND FOR AII GEAR= OFFICES AND PEETITGOlyS ENDER TEE GURIDDIEEDON OF SAID CITY. m RESGLVDD BE THE comTn8 OF THE nay OF ALAMEDA as ollowb: Tte offices and positions of employment hereihmfter named are hmreby established. in. the semmral departments of thm City of Alameda, in addiSibh to the offices and bositions heretofore created by the Charter Ordinances or Resolutions of said. City, an salaries and. rates of oompmnsation for all such O ffices and bpsitians, whether hereby or heretofore by Charter, Ordinance or Resolution. establishcd, are hereby fixed in tbe amounts set opposite each desigc (eaten office or position. Unless otherwise imnicatedo all salaries and pates of compensation. are on a seasoner month basis. Such offices and positions of employment and such.. salarims and rates of com.pensation ere as follows: Title of Office or Position AUDITOR Ad ASSESSOR Number Salary Over 40 Hour Positions Per Month Per Week Rate Auditor and Assessor $ 4,00.00 Deputy Auditor 1 304.00 Deputy Assessor 1 304.00 DePuby Assessor Senior Accont cierk 275(CC Senior Stonographmr-Mierk 1'16.00 Junior Account clerk-Typist 1S.'a00 CITY ClIGS(E: City Cimrk 327.00 senior Stehpgraphmr-Clerk 200.00 Febtra. OlerSb - At rate of (0.00 per day LEGAL IdIPAPIESENT City 000 1. (Part tim, other 1 4DG.OL employment permIttedl Legal Secretary Deputy- Cit- Attornmy (Bart time) PERSONNEE DEPARTMENT 'Executive Secretary' Civil Service Board 210.00 10.00 Senior Stehograpmr-Clerk 170.00 personhpl. Assistants V(anfikmhe 2 AS rate of S1.00 per hour That except as otherwise pravided thm normal_ working week for emhiyees in the departments above set forth. shall be thirty-eigh (36) tours nor weekm MIGNERAL 11. MINIsa2ATI4E DEPARTMENT C.11-23y Managerts Office it Mbhager 1 833.33 Secrete:Ty-Stenographer 213.00 jUrii02 Stehogreler-Cierk 1 164,00 Junkor stenographer-clerk 132.60 280 Titic of Office 'Cumber Salary Cver 40 dour op Trositiod __ Positions ser 'Ienth Per Week Rate Assiscant Purchasing AocAp 1 8 304.00 Automotive ocflity Mechanic 1, 250.00 2.1S Ste normal working week for persona holding the position of Automotive Utility Mechanic shall be forty (40) hours per week. CITY HALL Janitor 1 211.00 1.825 danitress 3 167.0c 1.44 painter (Traffic) 1 230.00 1-92 Skilled. Laborer Maximum rd. 211,00 1-825 Radio Technician 1 290.00 Telephone Cwittdfsoard Operator-Clerk 1 163.00 Excepting the Telephone Switahboard Operator-Clerk, a normal '(0 7111(3" week for errployees 1. the City Hail Departmemt shall be forty (40) hourJ per week. BUILDING DEPARTKEITI: Building Inspector Assistant Building inspector Plumbing Inspector Senior Stenographer-Clerk 334.00 286.00 ;04.00 17;4.00 The normal working week for persons holding positions in the Building Department shall be thirty-eight (38) hours per week. Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Fire Captain Fire Lieutenant Fire Prevention. Inspector senior Stenogrdpher-Clerk Pireman Flre Department 1 2 7 47 Over 72 Hour Per Week Rate -00 356.00 !; 1.141 50,5.oc .9173 7 2.00 —9358 297.0C 176.00 Durjrg, 1st year of service 240.00 .7692 During Ond year of service 25o.0o .80. During 3rd year of service 260.02 .3333 During 4th and suseppent years of service 270.00 .8653 1311 ths Vire Chief, Fire Prevention J..specter and Senior Stenographer- clerk, a normal, working week for employees in the Fire Departmet shbil be seventy- two (72) hours per week. E.xpecting the Fire Chief, Fire Prevention. Inspector and senior dtenographer-Olerk, employees in said Fire Department shall be paid for work over 72 hburs and. ub to 84 hours per week 13 at the straight timh rate, until. such time as the Fire Department pPrsennplois 1 naught to full strength. --LP XAIRSE DEPART:MET:7 Golf professional 1 2!,5.00 Eead Greenskeeper 1 215.00 Automotive F41,0 ipnent Operator 1 250.00 addo.), Master 1 225.00 Title of Offioe Number Salary Over 40 Hour or:poition Positions Per Month Per 'Streik Rate Assistant Caddy. master 1 $ 221.00 a Sisilisd Laborer 5 211.00 Laborer 1. 18,4.00 - Excepting the Golf DTofessional, a normal work:lag week for employaes in. the Golf Coursr Department shall be forty (40) hours per week. In a.ddition. to narmal compensation, persons holdIng the positirm. of laborer in Vie Calf Course Departnent shall receive am additional sum of $15. per month for ninsht watering. HEALTH DEDARTrENT, City Physician and. Health Officer (Part 1 251.00 time, o employment permitted) Emergency Sdirgoon (Part time, other 2 162.0U - emplrynent permitted.) FOod eba Milk Inspector i 268.00 - '01 inspector 1 223.00 Prdent Esterminstor 194.00 Bacterieirgical Laboratory' Teonnicins 235.00 - Public -Health NSinse 220.00 Registered 'JUTS° 5 210.00 Senior StenogrspheraCisrk. 1 200.00 Tanitor 1 200.00 Extra. 'Curses 2 210.00 0ID Essrency. Stemards aM rate of $d.00 atr day The normal working week for persons holding the position of Tanitor shall be forty (40) hours oer week. Landscape ArdPiteot Labrr Supervisor Head Groundrkeeper Maintenance Naohanio Eptdmrrat Opetator Nurseryman Groundskeeper Truck Driver Skilled. Laborer Senior Stehographer-Clerk Laborer Darks and Playcroupds 2 2 12 ,seartment 33,50—.3e5 :500.0o 250.00 2.50.0C 222.00 220.00 215.00 215.00 211.00 170.00 194,00 1,68 Easeptag the Lnbor Supervisor, Grad CToundskeelier and. Senior Stenogrophars Clerk, a normal working week for employees in the Park Department shall. be forty (40) homrs per week- Po.fice Department Police Chief 1 451.00 Police ileutehost 50100 Chief Radio Officer 1 30.0 Inspector 3 30,0,00. 282 Title of Office NuZber Over 40 Hour or position Poisions Per Ynutim Paiscik Rate Identification Expert a 298.00 sergaant 222.00 policewoman 230.00 Senior Stehogrnpher-Cierk 1170.00 senior Stenogrephiiir-Clerk 1 180.00 Police Patrolman Durisg ist year of service 43 240.00 DUrillg 2nd yehr of service 250.00 Suring 3rd year rf service 260,0° isurisg( 4th. and subsequent yours af service 2.70.00 Expepting the Police Chief and, Senior Stenographer-Clerks a normal working week for employees, in the Pollee Deptimant shall be forty (40) hours per wfiek. dfdast member of tho Police Denartment who shall attain the qualifica- tions of wEspert Revolver Sh1 19, 9Slaer0sho0ter9 or "lierhsmanS, in accordance with tnit provisions of Resolution. No. 2964, shall receive, in addition to the compensation provided &goys, and so long as such qualifications are retained, the following amounts: Ponntimastar 11 0) Revolver Shotq "Sharosh000 er2 "Marksmani/ ...00 par month 3.50 per month 2.00 per month The normal working week for persons holding tha position 11 Poundmaster sh219. be forty (40) hodrrs per weekg Recreation Department , Superintendent of Recreation 1 223.00 Supervisor of Playground. Directors 1 193.00 senior Stenagraphsr-Cierk 1 17E.00 playground Directors 10 170.00 maximum of t1.150 per hour if employed on hourly basis. pecreation. Aides Maximum. .31.00 par jaouT 12:Ph10 1.(1fare Supervisor . Case Tortar Senior stehographer-Clork 1 empployod on hourly basis. spcini gpsTice DEipstmpat 2. 275.00 235,00 1.76.00 The normal working week for persons holding positions in the Recreation Department end Social Service Department shall be thirty-eight (38) hours per week. Street Deprtment City 10L 13 and Sutarintendent 1 500.00 of Streams Assistaht City Engineer 1, 369XO Senior Civil Engineer 5 3350-350.-365. - (Tunior Civil. Engineer 0 290.-300.-310 . — Survey Party Chief 2 290.00 d.52 1 abor Supervisor 300.00 Title of Offipe NumPer Salary Over 40 Hour 0r ',position Positions ?er Month Per Week Rate Anhistant Labor Supervisor 1 2"))0.00 - Oaroenter-Foreman 1 250,00 2,16 Oonorete Foreman 1 250.00 2.16 Sewer Foremen. 1 250.00 2.16 Sub-Foreman 1 15,8.00 2.06 Sweeper Operator. 1 235.00 2.04 11 10 Mwohonio 1 235.0-0 2.04 Amit, Equipment Operator Mechanic 2 250.00 2.16 Rodepment Operator f. 222.00 1.92 Painter a. 222.00 Truek Driver 7 21.5.00 • 1.86 SkIlled Laborer fa oli.00 1.826 Laborer `.' 194.00 1.68 EnginParing Aide 5 -.1.5.00 ], 69 Senior. Stenographer-Clerk 1:10.00 - Senior stenographer-Clerk 1 210.00 Junior Aecoupt Clerk-Typist I 164.00 - ExPepting the OitylOggineer, Assistant City Engineer, Labor Suervisor, ASSIZtant Labor Supervisor, Senior Stenographer-Clerks and junior Account Clerk- Mgodst, a normal workimg week for 0>0 01 in the Street Dopartmcht shall be forty (40) hours pwr week. Tropsuren and Tax Collector WordItY Treasurer neputy Treasurer Billing machine operator TREASURER AND TAX COLLEOTOR 1 1 400.00 304.00 286.00 180.00 Rxeepting the Treasurer add Tax Collector, e. normal working week for umployees in. the Treasurer and Tofc Collector's Office shall be tfairty-sight (38) hours per wek. EXTRA HELP FOR AIL DEPARTMENTS YOAD VACATION- RELIEF, SICK REIJEF AND EXTRA WRK: Sonior StenorpeClerk ))) Ai) the rate of 1,)1.00 nor hour dholor Typist-Clerk 15 At the rate of S .95 per 1U' 000 Legal Secretory-Low clerk 1 2210.00 or stonogrophen-Clerk 2 At the rate of 1. .95 per hour Monitor 2 1W.0.00 - Telephone Opwramdr . 1 At the rate of 0...0.0 per hour Emorgency Surgeon 1 1620.00 Bacteriologioal Laboratory Techolcion. 1 035.00 Regdstered) NU2S0 2 At tno rate of A10.50 per day Poundmoster 3 2.51.00 RESOLUTION Ned 3351 CANCELS:J.1.W CITY TWIES UN PRI322:).WTY 02' THE ISIPTED STAASSIS WHEREAS, certrlw real property situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, state of California, and. dere hartioularlw described as follows: Add of those certain lets and. dedicated streets being o portion of a subdivision. shown and. delineated on. that oeTtain. map entitled "New Yaw of Woodstock.", said maw being filed J Viaa Book 6 at faze 18 in the office of the County RecoreeT, Alameda County, California; also., that certain portion of the. Alameda. Belt dine Railroad rigbt -of -way. lying westerly. of the West line of Main Streets' also, that ads:lucent pmblic street known as Atlantic Avenue, lying West of' yam Stbeed; and, also, all those cartain tide land lots in Sections 9 and 10, R. 4. W., 9)W. LA IA A M., lying between the State Patent liw.e and tbe socthwestocly bouhWdwg of the aforesaid subdivision, said subdivision boundary being defined. as the Salt LWroh. and Tide. Wand Survey Ldne ponaroting. tbw high. and. dry' lands from. the - Alameda salt apandhoso as shown on that certain. Lep '8#2 of Snit Marsh and Tide Lands situateein. the Coowty' of Alameda, in the State of California, dated 18.71, C. 72. Allardt, Engimeer, pre a parod ay order of the Board of Tide Iwoni CommissioneTs; more particularly dpscribed as follows: ITEgEMITTUS at Station. 1 of the "segregation liww" as estab- lished. and partitioned. among owners in Suit 6225, Pacific Im- provement Company vs. James • Waymire et al, Alas.:oda. County, a. maw thereof being filed. Julco 50, 1500, in.. the office of the County Recorder, Alameda County, California, in. Yop Boole 23 at pages 74 to. 78; said.. Stalfhan 1 being also cernwr Nwmber 10, as shown ow. that certain rep endelf8led "U.S.. We9wl Air Stotion, Alameda", and filed Sent. 20, 1233, by the U. S. Government in Drawer 29 in the Seoorderve Office, Alameda County, California.; thonee N. 7* 50 30 W., 117.25 feet to Station 137 of the aeraita. Grant Line; thence N. 27* 45? W., 87.42 feet to a noint on. the north bound:Ivy line of Atlantic Avenue; thsnoe alohg the north line of Atlantic Avenue I, 76f 47" 30" S., 800.50 feet; thenwe continuing along the nerth Line of Atlantic Avenue Ti. 83* 331.10 feet to the interseetion of thp West line of yuin street; thenco southerly along the West line of' Wain. Street the following courses and distancee: 34! W. 228.24 feet; tnence S. 12* 122 23" E., 51.50 feet; thence S. 4,* 322 lOb E. 201.32 fecto thence . T. 50.00 feet, thence 8. 2* Olt W. 800.00 feet to the intersectipn of the Seuth line of ocific Avenue; thenwe leaving said. West lino of SPin Street 591 E. 96.00 feet to a point 65.00 feet distant from the East rine of Main Street as ShOWn on that certaln hao entitjm:W. "Pay View PTart, Alatiaan, Ceitfornia,, ha8 filed in Mat Book 7 at 'Pugs 33 in the Recorder's Office Alameda Cantyt California; tot:amide running parallel. to, and 65.00 feet distant from. the said East )lne of Main Street s. 2* 01! W. 452.52 feet te the point of curvature of rrdn. Ducreeff thonae 398.62 feat upon the arc of a circle to the left and ad' radius 711.34 feet (Wang chard. bears S. 14' 02/ 13" W. 393.42 feet) to the intersection. of the said Sail li.rsh and. T3fa Lands Survey Pine, fram said poict of inter- section Statica 300 of said Tide:Lands Svoovoy Aiew bears N. 52* 001 W. 153.54 feet; thence S. 62B 00" E. 27.30 feet to the eastaffly line of Bat 12 cf Station. 10, T. 2 S., P- 4 Et. O f.; rhohae along the easterly Line of lwts 12. awd 21 of said section 1p, South. 1664.62 feet, more or less, to the acute-- east corner of said Pat 21; thence TY. 64* 671 W. 3605.92 feet along the south line of Pats 21, 22 23, 10 and 9 of ssid Seca:ion 10 and alwez the scat'd line of Lot 16, Section 9, to tpe West corner of said Lot 13, said West corner being corner #11 as shown. on the said map of the U. S. raval Air Statiaa; thence F. 45* 007 E., 2696,00 fa:het, rare or less, to the intersection. of the said Salt Yerst and. Tide Iahaw Survey Line; thance N. 46* 00! E. 33.40 fwet to tue poiwt oi' beginning. COTWYSTAIMG. 184.60 acres, has been. assessed heretofore by the City of Alarceda fah the fiscal years 1943-44 and. 1944-45 and the oaneral municitel and special assesarent taxes levied. thereon. 286 are uncollected. and. unpaid; and.. 6017gHadS, prior to 12 o'clock Noom, on tho fMrst Monday in March, 1943, the day and. noun Eherrawahotozosuand usoessmonts bedew:2 01110r nmalnst said real. propertyz possession. of said proporty had vosted in the Uniteni. States of America by reason. of or. ander for possession made on or aroat January 24a 1244„. in the condemnation. wroceeding in the District Couet of the United States, in and for the Nortborn District of California, Southern Eiyision, UM. 23102-G, entitled, "United States of Amorica, Plaintiff, vs. 124.6 Acres of land, more or loss, in the City of Alamoda, courrby of Alameda, State of California, Louis Na MacDhomdA et al, LefendahteT; teat on December 12, 12441 a Declaration. of Tallng and a judgmenM theTeesi was filed in said proceeding, vesting title to said proparty in thb united. Statea of America; that. ever since saib. date said. real property, and gaoh and every wort thereof', has been, 8jVi flOW is, owned by thm United States of AM.CTiCa, and. because of such 111 ownership is rnM subject to calm for delingunnt taxes; NOW, TEUTILIVONI, An IT ESSOLNED AND GREERMD FY TEE CanCIA OF THE (PITY OF ALAHFDA„ with the written approvni. of the City Attorney of said City, that all uncollected City of Alaneam taxes or assessments, anr. penalties and.. costs thereon, incAnding spwcial assessmonts levied under the provisions of thb quisition add. Improvbment Act of 1,125", for the fiscal years 1043-44 and 1344-42, row a lien upon the above described real propmrty, be and the carts are hereby, eanmellod, and. thh lona:Star and_Tax Collector of the City of Alameda are hereby ordered and directed to eanrel said taxes, assessments, ponalties and. costs on.. their respective books. . Ea IT FORTE-UR RESORTED, anything in. this resolution. to thb contrary notwithstanding, that this resolution are. order shall not be construed as can- celling, or authorizing thb cancellation. of, any taxes or ameessznatz or behal ties or costs thbreon charged or levied on. any possessor- interest in or to said real property, or any other special. assessmmnt lbvied on said real property. CORSERT (TT PEE CITY ATTORNEY OF TEE CITY OF ALEIZEDA., STATE OF CARIPPENIA. The aity Attorney' of tho City of Abambda, State of CalitToltba, hereby consents to the. cancellation. of all uncollected City of Alameda taxes or acsesu- neraha ann. penalties or costa thbmomn chargbd and. levied. and now a lien anon than, certain real pmonerty hareinabovb described_ Dated: July. 101 246. SITANIFIS D. WRTMEUET As Ciby nEuurrney for thb City of Alameda, State of California 1, the unnersighled, herbby ourimIfy that the foremoihm Resole:him:awes duly and recjularly introduced and. adopted by the Oonnoia. 3 'the City of AlaMode in Ims;TERAr meeting assembled bn the 1.6th day. af Poly, 1246, by the following vote, to wit: AXES: Councilmen. Howe, Jones, Osborn ann. Prosidont Branscheid, (4). HOES: ABSENT: Councilman. Sweeney, (11. IR WIEN:ISE WEEREOF, I have hereunto set ny hand and affixon. tho offi- cial seal of said City this 17th. day of Idly, 1346. J. P. CLARK (SE1U) City. Clbrk of the City of Ala:70a - hereby 'certify that tho foregbEng ib a full., ;grub and. correct cory of hpesolbtion 3321, CACCEILING CITY TAMES OE PROPERTY 01P TITIE UPTIIED STATEERCT AMERICA introducon. mad. adapted. by tho Council on. the 16;64 day of legby, 104U. r1rwbv m mog - hp 1 ,3fo: ;;;I:1-7the City of:-Tr001.ZT17---