Resolution 03354RESOLUTION NO. 3354 APPROVING OF AND ENDORSING THE PLAN DEVELOPED BY EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL IN EAST BAY CITIES TUE SCUD DEVELOPED BY EAST' BAY MUNICIPAL 'DLITT DISTRICT FUE. p7IAGE DISPOSAL IN BAsap HITT buiSNCED. ass_ _sass__ almv,s, Pa the 18th. day of Adr11, 1944, ny. ite Resolution numbered 2963, the City Coancil of the City.. of Alameda declared tnut thd punlam interest and necessity deoand the creation. of a special district for sawape dispdsal witTim. tho East Bay. municipal Utility' Disiuust anb requbbted the Lobt Day. Bbni cipal Utility 'District to faRb all necessary steps to determine stahLher said special district should be crested; end WE1REAS, pursuant to such. request, the Soard of Dirbbtbrs of East Bay BOInicipsi. Utility District approybd the creation of Special District No. 1 for adwage disposal pp:I:noses, and tne City Council of the City of Alameda, by ibs Resolution Timbered. 3n7; adopted. SulLy 18, 1944, consented to the inclusion. of the City of Alameda within the boundaries of Special District Ea. I when. created; and. wsunaAs, special District No. I of tab East Bay Panicipal Utiaity trict has been. created es; the East Bay Municipal District ham developed a hGba. for sbwapb disposal within such Special District No. 1 aad has sulinitted its 'plan. informally to the. representatives of the sesbral cities inelabed within subh Special District; and WEERFAS, the Council of the City. of AltnacnIa iS satisfied that thb plan desmloped and. subnitted by the East Pay SPAdipal District will be ado - gpate to the handling of the sewdEe disposal. problem in the City of Alameda; NOW, THUREFORE, NE IT HEROIN= TBE COUNCIL 07 TUE CITE OF ALATTEDAT that it hereby. approves and. endorses the stican develendd and submitted by the Mast Eby Ruhibipal BOtrict for senwwb disposal in Tbst Mumenisbl. Utility District, Special. District Dca 1; and LE IT SIBSTMED. RESOLVED, that tan Counchla of the City of Alaedm. hereby commends the East Bay Mptioipai DtilLty District, throush its Hoard of Directors, for the speedy and efficient mannbr la. which. this matter, so vital tb thb InaLlth of all Bast Day residentd, hap been utdertaRen. and completed. Es, the hildTorippsod; herblsy certify that thb forpcoirm; Hesolublon was duly and. regulauSby introduced and abopten. by. the Council thm City. of ANchnie in. posplba mustinp assembled. on the acab Dtp of Tuly 192( ter , to , ,witievewt et vete, tO wit: AYES; Cosoccilnep. Howe, Jbnes, ObLorn. and President Brahecheld, (41. HOED; IX;nes ANSENVi Councilman Howe, (1). IE VITNESS CATES:LDS, 1 hart, hereurto setuty hand sad offEltd the offi- cial. seal. of said City. tnis 17th day of Tuly, pp__ J. P. CLARK_ ;Pity Clerk of the City ca. Alhoceda * s * henfirs csarATLOy that tnb forepoidg is a. ftalq tope and. correct copy sResolbtion. Eb. 3354, AE7E:3 PINE ASKO PUBMTASEUNG THE PLAT. DEVELOPED BY EAST DAS wad-ems— hem-9mb- Arab:peep pst ;sanest ofteetwa Ts; EASE RPE (SNITS." introduced and adopted by the Council on the 16th day of July, y Clbacclpf:: :he of Ara Le