Resolution 03360RESOLUTION NO. 3360 AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO MAKE APPLICATION TO CALIFORNIA-WESTERN STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR GROUP LIFE INSURANCE FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AND THEIR DEPENDENTS, AND AUTHORIZING THE AUDITOR TO MAKE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS FOR PREMIUMS. fhanfuToso ca. S:360 LI1/2hc -.ORA Inc (teet- 't.fte TO SOLPITOITICTS CLOCISIIORLYYL-Vohlalltili SITATIES :LI -flbSbl.d.deidn G.HCOOP LI Sly; ICCSIIChtiLICSS TIT TIRO YOuli Olt ITLITS' CITY OI ittflO7fist. ;ITT) ILOCOISITIDIT.3 .I2CD tOTIOISIIII.SO 'Pala CLOY:TOIL nclauTS TROlY -DEMIST thlsIll FOR 011unInt2,3, a 'Conon hassaor of oar.: cacaos hI2 the City, of' natfunadc sae ashiaous cocuanynt 2ca onshoolves uoch thair seutesIca Cte 3„ftie?: insure oboe under f onar oOforee OnaifernisslSoczefo O,tsufoo Lifu Isounnsoo Ceffoun,,,a; and asy:soolluo soi oion on this COUitc,:li, F„nCe caSZ, wayouc be uesefi °jay hp onio, essuloycoo a ca. ta he tilttehi >le:C.-et:tee teht.'0.1; t:OW, '7,thAtDthtt'1, '!e•-■ eh IsIORViD If THY OCIPlif CT 7I17 CIS7 07 ARAIIIIDC., thsC too 0,1 Tanyoor cal the Cld to/ o hinnucha sucielas outioniuthl aryl directed Su ssar.e- . - - assoisation fa tfs osclifoasits -Wesforn Stayes dabe doarreEbe lifa neboa r oe novo of: oh the es:sin-yeas the Cliff of clni its aa ash u dot enden , and to exeound and on befaiZ oT the ailacy oh saercedf any ono asullaouisas, forst; asul. other papoba ob icousonoo recesonny to oblcons shon Tife inaaraane to becone afIactiva. IESCIdndld tbat one oddly/ tor of filo Otty hooda , asd o s Serelay, aufflori !hod sysa di:footed to clicks ph,frol slodso cal ono Coosa, t solar:Los ,Yeaiso oh those Lattalo:yeec: tHt ansificy., sue?) aefuctiefu , is soco estsuL hi Oho rireaiUMS oafic by 8l-1Xl.”. ornaoybe :dr sosoaSafue with fine scaodsle saentLaoss cified L srosu POit:OY ISSig3.(j ihe BLe.1 aconnany. ,27LSOTNID ohaf sno nudisoa is :...,l2,2;1).," afthccao to ylay Z.A.0 oaonno en shoo sesuafiass to the California -'llesters nshasu Lifa insunnsua conoony so prosciutto fon said cross) isouthasos. a, annersined, heresy certify fUnt foasoafing Resolution. abed intriroblabed drab adoorledd by til'a 001..`tliCtlet Of the t; y ikla da, in a jOliTtheta Iheetiht,t, aSSetabted t .30ttt Ceti Ce: the eetteltet'? Leg tO „STIES: fansasohold, fob) tarald3: Corrodidneeo none., ;To ono> , Cern:oleo Sone eoey ond flroo I dent 1.Los en, tnine. Th hillitattaS WhifiCCOlf, I holaco hereunto ,Seil nano and affited tics official seed Of SPjei City thin 'elot nay of ,11.11-g', 7,7777- '6'.12,TFP7-737 tdde ,f177;/ nevelt. ay sUilas the foranoi.o,t ic fuJ , true Una correct colt!' Or cis ,SI,l)Se, Shit aCTITEZTO:(: a L fa!, Ta T't] To o A ). :Issaystoa SOS:ST-CRY h ofitIO unaa et:Y. YTS CILICIII72 OR TIE CITY 07 ITLICLISIct Ithia 7.17IlhaP, IXTITTICOLISSS, ISL) anTITOTIOithintI ThSts I:DU:TOR TO TOLYIll PAnITCSLI. Intot SISISICTASIS jr.thodunea r. o ontsu5 thn Coushaln7I sha .50th dos, of 'LOSS . ub d bo' da