Resolution 03366RESOLUTION NO. 3366 APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF NOT TO EXCEED $500. FOR AN ENGINEER TO MAKE A STUDY AND REPORT ON PROPOSED SECOND BAY CROSSING, IN COOPERATION WITH OTHER EAST BAY CITIES AFENOSNDATIfti nrif SOP CS' ftlf et EXCNED 3500.. der' AN -977STETNIP 'SC Whil-al AID7DIS hadi lailiONT DieSPOSTI7 27.6COIN BEL,GEGESNOC. 'SE COCISSIGOTION.WiI33LINDIENES. lhd 23.677 WEEDG9G, -has public interest of tits East Guy citier iodise:fete the necessity for the CEalpi(VE16.1.-Et of' an engdheer to hake a study- end. report upon the :proposed second. Bay oroosing; fend WISNEAS, it is to She advattago, Isrefi a end bera istefeuts and far toe seehldthe ta LEE0 E'dt:/ CC ADareds and its nnaldeats teat shah s ECTiocer loe eupinyed; nod "673INISAS, shausfulL llost nay cities ere cuesenselej ref in the spieler; of lean- fef-17 she; nhahaer aflenoleirde an unsafe:ear to diens C-6U.CC,.! ors repast co the a:nursed scours Tka7 creosiara; raid ail-EDS:AS, the; City of 6..1sefah has a 'vital interest in tais motioh of a uocond Iffy cassaing and in aoreuatle to daLtriGatinfe ito oforortionnta ohsre of the erasure of EEICEh erlaisTootot, rrjoh proportionate oaare ia se-sitar/tea to ao er amonot hfot (C-E6SJ of $500,n; MEKC.:7CE.7." :EZ IT RESCELATED TIS '13E6 COUNG9I, err Tay] sida,, sir fs-Lidsgdps, Last So.ai af. not led exceed oe, ead 'the parse -.is aerebyd, apriolfhi fates, 6- of". Sias ated2.6 EC of e -to a al ]do o n :earc of to Se eas zit u tired <a a I. h Lee manner to ec pro-viand for in. cos:tract cd anploahart to On eastered into wf,th the crefareer re:to:inch as perforr she eervieus aferetectioned. I, tird tanderfaigned, helasby cerlSrair. thert the fores:hdr6 Tr.hadistion was istfy and faGrolaidre iniasurnuaa 6add ainhsted by tfle Catasi 1 of the. CEstv of Alas:Jana in rug-taloa treatin; serer:a:led or the ath oo'r- .ealn'cloo, lai6, by tno feifiratusg vote, to waio: ,paressf, ceunniimen faunas, Osborn, Sweenpy and Vies rhasident Erwe, 610178: Inane. Aff9ENT: Preeidsot Theassahhid, fN INITUES73 WHEREOF, have hereunto set mie hard end. affixed the raffia dial ocal. -of send City this 7th day of August, 1946. GLAIX66_ srla of the City 0:E. * ** a***** a 7,9,:7,7„7l6a7E-7 aexuadby (fortify that tho foTogoina is a. frii, true and. correct ecty of 7Reoolutio a No. 33 6 6 , AdaDDIGILIATINN dth oder( Co' NOT dT TELCSSii 9 6.0 o EDP AN' ENCSe NEED TA.' EASE .e SEDDiad eND 7.3TEGET SN' PliCTSSED SECOND fideld CROSSDNIL3 CCOTSDATTON ractS OTEdd KfarT faNT ofDadS," introduced and. adrpted. on the etr. spy of Augarti 1946. fa' falexp' e t 'reds,/ a y .a" 45, -66k „ — Citr Cl..66r6 of tbe city neTtli7 / 3,9s/