Resolution 03395RESOLUTION NO. 3395 CREATING THE POSITION OF ASSITANT SUPERINTENDENT OF RECREATION IN THE RECREATION DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES AND FIXING THE SALARY THEREOF. tallEATlEN lEid POSiTEON aia ASSISTANT SUPERINVOSIONT OF RECREATE:TS IN NEE REORaTION DEPARTVINY oF TEN GT77" OF ALAINIZA, PRIESONNEUNG IhE Duaass AND FIXING TINS QA7An" o - T',5 TT' RESOLVED BY TEE COUNCIL OF TEE CITE' u SIABEDA as follows: Section. 1. The position of MAssistant Supprintendent of Reoreation4 is hereby created ENDS.: esdablished in the Rhereation Dhpamtment of the City of Alameda. Section 2. The dhMies thl position or Assistant Superintendent of Recreation, and. of 3 person heisting SUCTI posiMion, shall be aa follows: Under tho a/mindstrative dirostlon and general supervision of the City mancp:ax, to assist the SuperiatandenA Renmeation. in the performance of has duties, and to do related work as required, Section 3. The salary for the position.. of Assistant Saperintehhent of Recreation. be, nnd is hereby, fixed. as follows: First year, P50.00 per months; SeTOCT.d year, t2C4.00 per month; Third. and subsequent years, t260.0G per month. the iihdpmsigno, hereby eartify that the foremoing Rosolatich was duly and reGhlarly intrc0 1 atopted hy the Chuneil of the C of Alameda in reghlar meeting assciUded on. mne ist dap. of October, 194P, by the following votG, to wit: AXIS: Covmsliae, land, jened, Nsliovp, Shcoduy cr2 spiesidend Eats. ABSEnT: Dane. IN NNHENNS NNE:PENT, I have hereunto seM hp. hash and. sffiimai the official. seal.. of saiT. City thih Snd day of October, 1944. 70 P. tAPY C177P.: oiitTe ot: ,otoo176-&-7 nixody Gertfy that mhp fore,soins is a cull, true and ootorect cony of uthisolutton Sh. tt5:p9t,O, cltrwt.ortto.t. 1 SI7Ott;t, OF ASSISTANT SUFERINTSWDENT OF - PEOPEATICE IN RElPSATICK ONFARANNYI OE . diE SPY ENN1E1A, PBEGORMEING lid PIIIXEC ABB IliNle TEX billEitY TEENNOM," introit:cod cud adonsed by inn Conrail on the ist ihy of October, 1246. oO, lt tote o '717.7tKtoeda