Resolution 03398RESOLUTION NO. 3398 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURNISHING TWO (2) NEW 1946 OR 1947 TWO-DOOR AND/OR FOUR-DOOR SEDANS TO THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE THE SAME. SESSIA1CANIOUS DOS NINtsion FOS NoS (2) OR 1947 TWO-DOOR CIIDANO END/OT USSR -DOOR SADANS IS IC3E CITY 08 ALAII(Dw, GAINING ION BIDS 6ND DIFECTINS YEE CITY 0TPt" TO ADTEETIGNSTII DESOTO-TS ., fief, COUNCIL Oie THE CITY CT' ALAMEDA that the Smeciferatnons and. provisiona for fepnislinti two (2) now, 1946 or 1947 model, two -dbop and/br temp-dear sedan autombbilee to the City of Alameda, pcm TES 10-46-10m filed. in. the office of tbb Cit(p Clerk ob Octorbr 1, 1946, ba, and the same ere hereby, approved ern adopted. ifFE;OLDED, (TORINDR, tnab ace Council of the Oity or Alamece will receive sealed bide up to the hbar of 8:05 oinlock TINT on Tuesday, the a5th ay. of Octoben, 1946, for the furnishing L. the Onty of two (2) new, 1.94S or 1948 model, two-door eud/or foar -door sedan automobiles in accordance Anti,. said Specifications and Provisions.4 aids must be presented. to the City 01erk, in tne CiTY Alembdw Calnoria, under sealeC cover and s1ainly marked on. the out- ide, "Proposal for Automonifiescs or lar desi(j„,aition. Ccetrast, if .4 .4 mill be amended, subject to thb previsions of the Charter of said Ciby, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest anf best bid. The rigrt is reserved. to reject eni or all bids. Thb City Clerk is hereby directed to anwbrtisesin the Einmane Snobs - Ober, a notice culling for sealed bids, in accordance with tbb provisions of tnis resolution oaf of sold Spbbificstione and Provisions. I, the urtAbusinned, hereby certify thwt the foreeinm; Nbsolutibn. wee ably and reEplarly in.trobboed and aebotei by the .4 (4- of the City G1f filuena in. regular nbetinE absembled on the lot day of October, 1946, by the followine, ote to tnta AYES: Cocancilan, Tiesb, Jonas, sborn Sweensy and President Srunschenf, (9). IONS: -one. ABGESTI: No mi. TN WITNESS WHDRICON, I havn hereunto set my hand obd. affixed the offinSbA... seal. of send City this Bad day cf October, 194S. (fieD(ofi 01 al nisi:7 at tine ale.(67686, I. hereby ceftiby that tne foregoing is a full, brae snn correct copy of' "Resolution. -rfo. ..ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR FININISN1Nd TWO (2) EFS 1946 On, 198M TWO-000P SEDANS AUD/OR FOUR -DOOR SEDANS TO TDI CITY' ON ALAITTV cALIarc FOR BIDS ANN NETTING TEE CITY CLEDU IS ADPERTISE ICIE SAME," :introduced and adopted by' the Council on tile ist dap" of OoLorer 15,4b reb" -1/ k,iitoSt 677:711.ela Co A 1