2013-05-28 Special CC MinutesMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY- -MAY 28. 2013- -7:00 P.M. Mayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:03 p.m. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Tam and Mayor Gilmore — 5. Absent: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON - AGENDA None. AGENDA ITEMS (13 -265) Adoption of Resolution Approving and Adopting the Operating and Capital Budget For Fiscal Years 2013 -2014 and 2014 -2015. Not adopted. The Assistant City Manager and Controller gave a Power Point presentation and responded to Council questions. Councilmember Daysog left the dais at 7:53 p.m. and returned at 7:54 p.m. Councilmember Chen left the dais at 8:11 p.m. and returned at 8:13 p.m. Councilmember Daysog thanked staff; discussed Other Post - Employment Benefits (OPEB) costs; inquired how OPEB would be addressed. The Controller responded the matter would not be resolved overnight and staff would be presenting ideas to the Council in the future. Councilmember Daysog stated the costs should be considered as part of the current budget decision. Councilmember Tam commended staff for listening to the community and prioritizing accordingly; stated public safety services have been maintained; noted the City is still funding services, such as the animal shelter, jail services and the Museum, which are nice to have programs that are above the core services. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft commended staff; inquired about ranking for Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). The Assistant City Manager responded Departments rank the proposed projects based Special City Council Meeting Alameda City Council 1 May 28, 2013 on criteria. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the criteria allow items to have the same ranking, to which the Public Works Director responded in the affirmative; stated the maximum score is 100; noted funds are not always budgeted for the highest ranked projects. The City Treasurer gave a Power Point presentation. Mayor Gilmore noted Measure C polling indicated that the community is not concerned about deferred maintenance; stated that she looks forward to upcoming OPEB discussions; other cities are amazed that Alameda employees are paying part of the Employer's share; the City has made progress and is not kicking the can down the road. Stated residents value recreation; the capital projects in the budget are reasonable; having money for the design phase of the Jean Sweeney Park is very exciting; people want to serve by volunteering; $200,000 in funding can be leveraged: Jim Sweeney, Jean Sweeney Open Space Park Committee. Outlined the benefits of parks; stated park funding should be increased and urged support of funding the Jean Sweeney Park: Dorothy Freeman, Jean Sweeney Open Space Park Committee. Expressed support for not petting further advances from Alameda Municipal Power (AMP) and reducing Recreation and Park Department cuts; urged greater public safety cuts; discussed AMP transfers: Jane Sullwold, Alameda. Stated fiscal issues studied in the past have been highlighted; federal, State and local issues could impact the City, such as Measure B funding; expressed concern over Police vehicle purchases and the lack of deferred maintenance funding, revolving funds, and performance measures: former Councilmember Doug deHaan, Alameda. Expressed support of funding Beltline remediation: Aaron Thies, Alameda. Suggested additional meetings be held; stated public input will be needed to solve the City's budget problems: Gretchen Lipow, Alameda Citizens Task Force. Expressed concern over Recreation and Park Department budget cuts; urged future funding for Estuary Park: Pat Bail, Alameda. In response to Councilmember Tam's request, the AMP General Manager gave a brief presentation on AMP's transfers to the City and AMP's financial condition. The City Manager noted AMP would pay fees if it were a private utility. The AMP General Manager provided further information on AMP's budget. Special City Council Meeting Alameda City Council 2 May 28, 2013 Mayor Gilmore noted that the Public Utilities Board (PUB) is responsible for AMP's budget. The AMP General Manager stated the City Charter gives the PUB control over AMP's budget and rates. Councilmember Daysog stated the PUB has been conservative in setting fiscal targets and fund transfers to as required by the Charter. Councilmember Tam stated the City is considering refinancing; inquired at what point the City's outstanding liabilities would be factored into the bond rating. The Assistant City Manager responded the liabilities have already impacted the rating; stated a recent letter indicated the City's rating is AA rather than AAA due to the Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) liability; noted many surrounding cities have a similar rating. The Controller stated the City's full disclosure in the budget helps the rating. Councilmember Daysog stated that he would like the City to find a way to reduce the $60,000 Recreation Department cut; suggested funds be used from the Council budget. The Assistant City Manager addressed the Council budget; noted the Recreation Department cuts were reduced since prior budget presentations; inquired whether Councilmember Daysog is suggesting no cuts be made. Councilmember Daysog responded that he would prefer no cuts be made; stated that he would like staff to review the matter, but understands staff might not be able to find any way to not make cuts. Councilmember Tam left the dais at 10:07 p.m. and returned at 10:09 p.m. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft requested an explanation of increases in the City Attorney's budget. The Controller stated operational expenses previously reported under the Internal Service Fund (ISF) were moved under the City Attorney's budget because the expenses should not have been under an ISF; explained other City Attorney increases. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether the budget includes expenses for outside counsel, to which the City Attorney responded in the affirmative; stated outside counsel expenses are under the department budget as well as under some other line items. Special City Council Meeting Alameda City Council 3 May 28, 2013 In response to Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft's inquiry regarding the Recreation Department budget changes, the Controller stated three Recreation programs are charged to the General Fund: park maintenance, the hardball facility and the swim center, which have some School District reimbursements; all other programs generate fees and are under the Recreation special fund; administration charges assist with all programs and were also moved under the Recreation special fund. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired about the Mastick Senior Center, to which the Controller responded Mastick is also now completely fee based. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired whether $15 million for construction of a sports field and swim center should be considered an annual deferred cost. The Controller responded the unfunded CIP list was created for a five year period to represent unfunded annual maintenance items as well as unfunded one time projects. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft inquired about funding the Alameda Point Gymnasium and Pool versus funding the other two pools. The Recreation Director responded the City is working with the School District on short and long term solutions to address pools, which is the immediate focus; stated the Alameda Point project has been on the list for quite a while and would focus on the gym; the pool cannot be rehabilitated. The Assistant City Manager and Public Works Director provided a brief explanation of the CIP list and criteria process. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated everyone should understand the projects would be addressed farther down the road; however, she does not believe the City Hall clock tower project should be included; urged that reconfiguring the Central Avenue and Webster Street crosswalk be a priority. The Public Works Director stated crosswalk improvements have been funded as part of the Webster Street Smart Corridor Project; design work is commencing. In response to Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft's inquiry about Alameda Point Officer's Club renovations, the Chief Operating Officer — Alameda Point stated the building is a contributing structure and would remain a community center in the foreseeable future. (13 -266) Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of addressing the Public Hearings [paragraph nos. 13 -267 and 13 -269] after 10:30 p.m. Councilmember Chen seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft and Mayor Gilmore — 4. Noes: Councilmember Tam — 1. Special City Council Meeting Alameda City Council 4 May 28, 2013 Councilmember Chen stated the budget clearly identifies future issues that have to be dealt with, which will allow Council, the public and staff to come up with solutions; the City should stay focused on striving to have the sales tax reach average. Mayor Gilmore noted the budget would return to Council on June 11th. Mayor Gilmore called a recess at 10:27 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 10:37 p.m. (13 -267) Public Hearing to Consider Resolution No. 14813, "Amending Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 to Increase Citywide Parking Meter Rates." Adopted. The Assistant City Manager gave a brief presentation. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether he would need to recuse himself since there are parking meters in front of his house, to which the City Attorney responded in the negative. Mayor Gilmore expressed support for the staff report recommendation to improve signage. Councilmember Chen stated that he supports all increases, except for Lots A and C, which seem too great. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft suggested that staff review evening parking rates for the parking garage and Park Street area; noted the theater contract provision regarding parking rates could be revisited. Reviewed the Park Street Business Association (PSBA) suggestions which were outlined in the staff report; noted Lots A and C are prime parking; urged signage be improved: Robb Ratto, PSBA. (13 -268) Councilmember Chen moved approval of continuing the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft and Mayor Gilmore — 4. Noes: Councilmember Tam — 1. Mayor Gilmore noted rapid turnover is desirable for Lots A and C. Special City Council Meeting Alameda City Council cJ May 28, 2013 Councilmember Tam moved approval of the staff recommendation; outlined her questions which staff addressed prior to the meeting. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote —5. (13 -269) Public Hearing to Consider Resolution No. 14814, "Amending Master Fee Resolution No. 12191 to Revise the Civil Penalties for Parking Violations of the Alameda Municipal Code and California Vehicle Code." Adopted. The Police Captain gave a brief presentation. In response to Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft's inquiry regarding reducing disabled parking fines, the Police Captain stated the recommendation is to bring the fine down since it is above the average. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like the fine to remain the same. Councilmember Chen inquired about enforcement, to which the Police Captain responded Parking Technicians and Police Officers can issue citations. In response to Councilmember Chen's inquiry regarding training, the Police Captain stated meter enforcement is understaffed; two more part time positions would be added; outlined training. Councilmember Daysog agreed that the City needs more Parking Technicians. Stated the PSBA Board would like current rates maintained; expressed support of hiring additional Parking Technicians; urged not lowering the fee for parking in disabled or yellow and white zones: Robb Ratto, PSBA. Urged the fine not be lowered for parking in disabled spots; raised questions about various disabled parking locations: Carol Gottstein, Alameda. Councilmember Tam inquired whether some South Shore enforcement is done by volunteers, to which the Police Chief responded in the affirmative. In response to Councilmember Tam's inquiry regarding conflicting Municipal Code and Vehicle Code provisions, the Police Captain stated the Municipal Code section is not enforceable and the fine has been eliminated. Councilmember Tam stated that she would advocate keeping the disabled parking fine at $335. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like to keep the current fine for parking in a disabled space and yellow and white zones. Special City Council Meeting Alameda City Council 6 May 28, 2013 Councilmember Tam suggested that the abandoned vehicle violation also not be changed. In response to Councilmember Chen's inquiry regarding smoking in or near vehicles, Mayor Gilmore stated smoking enforcement is complaint driven. The Police Chief noted signage is very important to inform people of the City's smoking regulations. Councilmember Tam moved adoption of the resolution with amendment to keep the fine for disabled parking at $335, the abandoned vehicle fine at $271, and the fine for yellow and white zone parking at $75. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote —5. CITY MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS (13 -270) The City Manager announced deeds transferring Alameda Point would be signed on June 4t"; stated pinball machines can be played for free in the lobby of City Hall during lunch time; recognized the meeting would be the Police Chief's last. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (13 -271) Mayor Gilmore thanked the Police Chief for his years of service. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 11:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance. Special City Council Meeting Alameda City Council 7 May 28, 2013