Resolution 03933A7 Ti5.0RIzam TEE ACE)MESITION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FOR EnELTH STRIET AND HiaHWAY FUNTEMES (BCEEIER) WHEREAS, public interest and necessity require that :L real property herelnafter described be acquired. tiv the City of o. for public street and highway purposes; and WEEREASg Ernest S. ,Bomer and Effie Eu Bowmar, .1 wife, and Emily E. MacKenzie (married), are the owners of the real property hereinafter described and are willing to sell the same to the City of Alameda for the sum of %68.0(5d;. NOW T3E3:11,110EE, 3E KT REMWETED E41 THE ChtTECEE OE THE CITY OF ALAMETuO as follows: Section 1— That the City of Alamena purchase from rnest S. Eowmer and Effie G. Mowmer, his wife, and Emily Eh MacKenmie (married), for the sum of *Een.(10 tha.t certain real propert3, situated in the City of Alameda, County 01 Alameda, State. of California, particularly :01001 11 follows: PCI4TION of the carnal of land described. in the deed by 3ehlah V. Thunder and John A. 11,anKen.zie, nuaband of Emhly EL MacKenzie, to Ernest S. 3mwmer and Effie 3. 3ohmer and. EmEly E. MacKenzie, dated October 29, 1947) ra99379.911 paceber 9) 1947, in Vol. 5340 of Official Records of Alameda County, at page 7:1, described as fellows: 3EGIEEING ot a peit on tha eastern lige of said parcel of land, distant thereon NoTth 1.0 3d' 45" East, 116.72 feet from the northern lhnb of Lincoln Avenue; and 3-11 '01 thence North 640 58' 39" weat 43.59 feet to a point 2. the '1 ..‚0'l line of safd parcel of distant thereon. North lu 35' 87' East 134.06 feet from said line of Lincoln Avenue; thence along said wnsterh line of said parcel North 10 35' 45" East 16.44 feet to the northern. line thereof; thence along a Cdnre to the right of radius 2271.88 feet southeasterly 43.14 foet mare or loos 00 11 eastern line of said parcel; and inen,cs along the last named line South 19 35' 45" West 18.2'1, feat to thb point of beginning, apoh. thE fallowing '0:' :r01 conditions, to-wit) (a) MUM) 7 11, merchantable title. in fee simpEe in said. real property be conveyed to the City of Alameda, free and clear of all objections, liens, en- cumbrances, clouds and. cla7 ria. of title, Pot, subject to second installment of 1101.10 0,. asseements for the fiscal year 1948-1949; (b) That the title to said real property be evidenced. by pclicy of title insurance issued by the Alameda Coauty-East 3Ey Title Insurance CompuTy, insuring title in the City of Alameda, as provided. in. the preceding subdivision (a); k7.,) That apon deposit with said tit1 e. insurance conThy for delivery to tne City of iNiumeda of a good and otahficiont deed of grant convey,agsehd real property to :1 Cita of Alameda, and conditioned. npon the 1011 .1-- of a title insurance policy, as aforesaid, to be approyd by tbe City Attorney, a warrant 01 the City of ALamoda he drawn. for N8.9.00, payable to, tho order of auld Alameda County-East Bay Title InsuTonme Company, and delivered to said title insarunce company' as escrow hwilder foT the pumpose of effecting the comunamation of said purchase and to pay cost of title innamance policy. Sebtion 2. Tap sum or $683.U0 is hereby appropriated from Gaa Eand of to cfty or adamean to pay the pla20 aaa1 e rend property dad cost of title inELhance policy. 497 1, the undersigLed, bereby cartify that the foregoing Rdselution was duly and ncularly introduoad and adopted bp tile Council of tho Clty of Alameda in regular meeting assemblad on the 18tn. day of Janudry, 1)49, by the foliowdms vote, to wit: AYNS: Prararneid, (5). Caunoilndn Anderson, Jefles, Osborn, Pweendy and President Al3SEHT : Nicrte., WITT.8f.ES have hererdita set nu/ hand dna f ixiad tha affi- seal of said City this 1,.)th day of January, 1949, J. P. ,,lt.:7-7C-T6YE-7277'aT:T7ity oI 4,gareda I bereby ceTtify that, the foragoing is a full, trae and dorredt copy of "Reodiation >9> AITITE),RIZTINd 1HE AcQuasa.TIM CERTAIN: RHAL PREPERTY D'OR PgartO 3TREET AND MIGHWAY PURPOSES Nr.N.44g,;.IR)," introduced and adopted.. by .tha Gouucii. on. the 18th day of ,Mandafy, 1949. e C ; dr' A Ilrai-E7d-4----