Resolution 04928RESOLUNON NO. Tl28 APPOITTPTS ME:MI.4E1i OF Til7 CITY PLANNING BOAED RESCLVI.:D 5Y 'Dili:, CCIISPla OF. rITE CITY Cfl.' ALAmllf)A tSs.st pursuant to te.5 provislons of srtielP X of the Charter of the City of Allalseds, and upon. nomination of tlae Mayor, NlOS. tOVA 1•T':elsiSk:Ss i.sereb-s. apeollated to tUe co'flue of romluer of Van feity Planninfs )i.oe.3-'.! of the Cttes sf Ainfosda cnr 0 term commencing on July 1, 1954, and. expirin,s, on lUsle 30, 195'3., and to serve until 11.sr sueeesser is appointed end is qs3.11.1'1.ed. I, th.e unslersi7Tled, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was dully siad re7ulauly introduced ansi. adopted by tlos Council of the Oitp of A:lams:eau Jon reFuJur meeting; assembled. on the 1st dug- of June, tU,e following vets, to wit: AYES: Coamilm.en Anderson, McCall, Yoresi. and. Preoi6ent Oweeney, (4), NOE3: None. A3ZEHT: Councilman Jones, (1). WITNEfl:l qHET,ILF, T have hereunto set ay Uand and affLued the official. seal. of said. City thls 2nd day of Juno, 1954. SIFIRLEY TENNI:ER --------------- City Clerk of the City. of Alarle0a. I Isoret7 certify.. that tise foreF.eIng Is a full, true &Joel. corToet copy of "Resolution Vb. APPOINTIN NEMOER OP THE CITY. '6UAhLO, introduced and adopteS by the Council. on the 13t dts7 of 11 54.