Resolution 04936NO, h.936 ADOPT:MG. SPECI2ICATIONa., SPECIAL FRCT,TE3J.,0 16'ID FIANS FOP EX7ffRTOP EATNe7I.FG AND DECORIV7Irj 07 FIRE DEPAPT,,ENT DRILL TOWE'R P,7,D FIRE STATION 1.TO. 5, CeALLING FOH A7T) OTRITVPL'M Mere, eeKRY. To i],c,vm-,pieR ear,11, WHEREAS, the City Engineer prepaed Specifications, Special Provislom and Plans for the ,.,Le..elor paintire7 and dr.',e,oratine of the Fire . D.Er.DaTty,,ent Tower, and 2ide Station No. 5, numbeI'ed .17W 6-54-12 :4,1.1d filed in the office of the Cit.7 Clerk. on June 1, 2,95; 5d rd- d- Pdd (e1;9' OC tddt tdr a,:presnid„ ST,n.celfle9e:/..ers, 5.-e7yre„.-!,e1 Pro e'sloee ee0 Fe,,e1 3h(1 heeetTe v;e2-formaT,c,,J pnd uonnletion of specletod ,:re6 'ore:visions be, and. The s,:.me is ,1,,roby- 7.JETHER, at .the Council. of the. Cit7/ of Alam..E.e,,a will seal,,,,),d bids up to th,9 ',..1,ro.r of Fe!.G5 o,cloek P. 'X.. on Tuesday, Jur.e. 15, 1954, for the to tha City of Alameda of 7,1acbi.A.er-,,,,, tools and eepipmarit necessary for the work hereinabove referrad 1.-n accordance with. said Specifications and. Provisions. Bids must be presented. to the City. Cle2k., In Che City. Harta, in Alameda, Cpalfornia, under sealed. cover end plainly marked en the outside 'Proposal Painting and. Decoriting Exterior of Fire Depapte.,.ent Drill Tower and. Fire SLation No. 5", or similar desiFmatTion. Contrract, if awarded, will be awarded subject to the provisions of the N....3...eeter of tho City of' Ael..Femed.n, to the responsible bl..d.j.j..e.r Wto nl...b.r.dts the lo,....est fmd best bid- The Pcserved to reject or all bids. The City Cicae( is he.elect'y directed. to advertise, In the Alalwda Tilheee Stec.. a notice for sealnd. bids, in a...;cord.anc, the provisona of tT7,1„El resolution and. of 8ald Sp.eifications and Provisions. Said. Specification:3 and Prowlsions may. be he.d by any prospective. bidder on ap.plieation to the City ErKi.n..6.1er, at his office in the Olty Haal, Alameda, Califorria, e. * I, the undersined, hereb7 ceIt.ify that. the foregoing Resolut...i.on was dlely' and. regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City or. Alameda in r.F.reelaT T..q.ke..etim,., assembled on the lst d.e7 of June, 195`.4, tey. t..he foliowin vote, to wit: AYLS: Ce)1,3.1c1Lelen Ancenrson, Yce;',„:11, X.3ros: and .7Tesl,M,4 ecr..mcii7ear, Thrles, T 'lerre)12.to oet e.,D0 l'F'4ceeee.1 .riaej. sc.1..d 2hA he7 jelne, SEIELEY H, TETA-11T City Clerk. of the Oity of 211,1,aaa I hereby cert.lery thnt the. foreeeT,1e9,„7 a Nil, trele vn.d correct copy of "Reoolution No. 491,6, ADGPTING SPECI2ICATI3-J, SrECIAL PEOVISIONS Kell) FLANS :POE EXTERIOR PATTTPING AqD DECORATING OF FIRE DEPARTMEHT T.(NIa AND FIRE Tau15,ay-N Tic5 5, CALI.ING 2IDS AND DIEECTIM. CITY CLELK TO ADTERTaE SAnE," introduce,d and adopted. b7 the Council. on the D.,1, day of June, -