Resolution 04947249 hrj Th3 c''„ - 5-1511 1_19, 1'1 1:11,,t4 4,11'11:p WEFINE(P,S, tuu 1.954 Nenuots han been cannletad. ann. theha is admalnlug in: tne 2.95A. Speciaa Census Fund the utuu nf :15.53„; tun,. of (,F715,,o(53 btu, and tau Nand IN i(ertay torauonoto.uttI fFaF. th6 1954 Sptatui C3nSUS Fund to tlau qanettul Fund, ln otur to aloso SRid sphottl Thu fludItur and. thu Itn(Ntionfoer aTe 'NoutF....a.;. authorized 2. CC tO owAto said ,.,,r,onsfer on tholoc Nuapactivt booh a:dd. ratuoF.u., I, thh undelaFts(oned; FeFeby cettifd tOlt the tattedirFo. l'houclutior was Itunly . ercl th,u Nonhdil ttuo Cita' of Alunreo, hn ad:cuTn.ed lutuu2ard rahotltF,( aasombled on aNu da((„( of Jane., 19da, tt.le Iollowir vote, to NAt.(. donowIlmoon Jonnas, Nota(ai and Froninnht Sauouney„ TICIO2 AFSENN(7.'( (NoumNalforoun Andar(,:aud, (1) IN FIINEN3 U.NEI0d07, 'La on hanuonahto oat or,T NNotid„ n aff ixto tho, cad(hltial ohoul ot uoid CIty tais 30th. day of Juroon, 195Na 77.67,775T;;71171.7""Ti;:pTh T-1: 0 if 17:1 ,;71. — rhe,rtcf:y th,:at the fauFFoina , trua ound corr,cot cop: of "Th000ntut-loh Nu. NOON:7, TItioNSFERNIIN (NaOF itt(51. CFNItd, NNND IC dFuFFAL TotoriNn', introd.ane(5. (tad t tine COA1 01.1 tt! Y .0,rle 19514,