Resolution 04984291 RESOLUTION NO. 496a NEM.CRIALISING THa UNITED STATES DEFSWATMENT OM DEFENSE IN THE MAH12.12. C.F CONTINUING -1.W. (315I2()=01)( THE MEDICAL SMPPnw ()SPOT 1100Attp TN. TWR ntram. OF AloaMm'A W1111W.E).(3„ there la presently' under study by. the Department of Defense a proposal. to close motenleall the Medical Supply Depot, located in the City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, thw closing of said. Medical Supply. Debwt would. seriously affect the local economy, tHrowing some 200 parscr.s oat of employment anS causing tao rmmmval from. this City of some 250 persons due to their lminF' transferred to various points throumhout the etimeney to pernMem dutims sindlat to those presehtlw. being . perfoPmed in said Medical Supply Depot; and WHEIHAS, the closing and motUbaillhg of said Taeddcal Supply Dopmt would further serious-,7 affect the local. economy, from the local. movernment standpoint, by- adding a vast area to the aireeEy larme aohehme within. (((-1() City of Alameda owned by the Fedoral Gmvernment., exempt from. lteal taxation and. a:I...Horning no employment; to local residento: and WilESTa2, the Council of the City of Alameda. it ihromwed and believes thst the continuing operation of said Mmdimal Supply Depot is necessary to promote economq. and. effieienmy in. the stomave and. distribution of mmdcal. and dental suhelies and equipment tm ail three branchms of tem Defense servimes at home amd abroad. and thmt the openEng anh. staffing of numerous tmall lopal medical. depott thrmughhwt tho country for the itdieldual. servicing of the vamious brunches of the military servlee would result in the dumjlAmatlon of activities anDelain the serHioes, with f8r less efficiency and. at mnch !higher chat thar. the pPesent opetation conductsde thpos‘th the Alameda Medical Sumplv Depot; NOM (D(I(EWMFOMEE BE IT RESOLVED FH TAE COUNCIL 012 thE 0121 Cw' AIS.MEDA that tte nMited. States Depamtment of Dmfenme be, anE it is hereby reammatfully urgmd and. requested. to gite the proposed olosino and. elohtellin of the Alamedm MmOlcal SnTply Depot parefni and serious consideration, to find. that such closluE wouad be detrimental to tha interests of the City of' Alamedn, hnd. to further find. that the furnishing of the services now. '(7.rformed. by the Alameda Medical Setnlly Mmumt in the manner contemplated. b7 the ordhr closinw said.. depot would result in less efficiency anS. greater cost to the Federal Governlwnt; and BE IT DINED-He IllnWnAHD that aohles of this Etsolution be fornmrded to Senators WillAan F. Knowland. and Thomas 1E. Kuminel, and.. to ConEtessmmn George P. Miller and. Sohn J. AlSen, Jr., with. ehe reattes• that they mive their ,appont to the position of the City. of Alamoda. in. this maatter. * * * * * * * * * I, the andersiwnmd, Smreey certify that tom norewoing Resolution wmu dul.y and regularly liatrodneed amd adopted b7 the nth:moil of the City on nleamata in rewmlar meetinH assembled on the 7th. dwy of SettemMeh, .6541 e. the follmninm vote, to wlt: AYES: Courcilmen knmeraon, Jones, ((todatte, hiohesi ano. Presiaent Sweenees, ( 5 ) Nono. AdSheNTP )(ono. IN WITNESS. WESHHOW, hsve hereunto set sty issed and. othPhpsd the off.icial seal of said City thAn Hth. day of September, 7e5(4— 1.(SUIRLEM TENSICEdi Citv Clerk of the City of kelemedm. I hereby certify thmt thn forogoing is a fnii, traw and correct ((ohm of "Resolution No. 4984, WEEMEORIAII(DAta SAM UIEDEMD MOATES AHPAETMENT HeEKENSE IN THE MATTES OF CONTIMMINS TN OPMEMtEMCN eMT) IMEDICAL SUPPL'.: aEro(!) LoGATE(5 5)5(7, CITY aP ALAPELA," introduped. and adopted Sy thh Councld. on tee 7th. day. of Septertss, 1954,