Resolution 04996.BA ESOLUTTO:i A UTH-03.1. T EXEk..“STA.. ON GI, C ONTRAC I 3TATE 01' IFORNI FOR FEDERAL A LL OC TT 01,IS TO 1...0C PUI7d....1.1:2 1,0B. FISCAL 1.954-1955 (5,2i330-00) W-U.11J,A th,..3 State o f' C orrA a i ts Depavtment of Publ ic alt b, tao sutrA tted. a C ontvact f or Federal Allocation to Putaic TIE:alth Agencie foT the f isc31 ye ar July I, 1954, tc and including June 30, 195'5; and.. t h.e City Co.u..1111. f eT..11 wi th. t.17e s of said. c cntr act ; end WiEREAS., it io -in the put li c int ere st t. the C ity of A 1 nn..e da s 1.1Duld enter' into s ,ct in nrd...er thPt 17,3der. al funds eJloo.nt.e d. may e used b7 Vac. A3. tri Health Dep,artment; NOW T-Edi.aEF ORE I T RESOLVED SY THE (2 OUNGT. h TgE TY OF ALA th a t said Coptract for Fed..erRi Aii.ocatl,,Ils to LOCBRl Public Health. A,-..encies be silt ered. into, and. th..et t he M.r.p..yor of the City. of Alame.6a be , and he is he reby thorized and di re t e d. to execute sal. d or, itd? act on behalf of the C ity of the ity le s alltbn-r,i zed to a ttest. the same. I, th..e under s. d, here by e r t th.Et the fore go inE nd. e F>til o du e ei and. do t e d by tkae anc 11. o f fn e 01 o f' A (la in r e e et a s se Mb 1 e d. on. t 533 h d ay of to be. 195)4, t he foy34 te , to t ; ounc :12r,en. Ander s on, McCall, Nor T.4 Noine uouncia.m.axi Oores, al of said Ci d o 17 cytr. „ 7.1..95L 7ENNIF? Ta767-7171T-7P --7-6777=TT- I herety the:h. the fcrego 1.. B. f.',J.11, co of "R e so lutd. on No . • AUTI.ICiii ZING TA.12; LaE0.-JAAYN OF' C. 0 NTR A C T TEE T.P, TE OF C A L af,11-1. FEDEE A IL TO LOCAL PUEIJC AGE I ES FOR F717iCAL YHAF ( 3 a. GO " , t r o e d and. a. (.2o TA ed. by tl-Le aun.e. 1_1 t he 5 t3,3. dRy o