Resolution 05020.ESOLUTION 1, 020 CANCELLING CITY TAMS'S ON FROF:FUT AC,SUIRED BY THE C FOR_ MUNIC I PAI PUS POSDS .SS?..3)„.g.Tp,,y7,o_ A yo n4e ) WEEREASA the following describpdrcal property' situated. in the City of Ala- neda, County of Alameda, State of California, to-wlt: EEDINNING at a point on the northern. line of Taylor Avenue, distant thereon westerly 217 feet from the point of intersectign thereof with the western line of 9th Street, formerly McPherson StrweD; running thence westerly along said. line of Taylor Avenue 25 feet; thence at right angles northmrly 110 feet; thence at right angles easterly 25 feet; and thence at right angles southerly 11D fest to the point of beginning, BESNG portion of the Aughinhawgh 223 acre tract (so called), (Tax Bill Ns. 8605 195D-1955 AB 279, Plate 2.) has been assessed. horetwfore for city- purposes for the fiscal year 1954-1955 and taxes levied thereon. in the sum of ..6.06, of. which sum D13.03 has been paid, and the balance, .,U3.03, remains uncollected and unpaid,' and WHEREAS, after the time said tomes became a. lie1 . on said. real property, o-wit, on. December 3, 1954, said real property was, by Deed recorded in the office of the Co Recorder of Alancda Coghty on Decembey 3, 1 Dock 74947= of Offig cial Records, at page 99, acquired, and ever since hns been, ane. now is, owned b7 the City of Alameda, and has been and. nmw is being used. for pliblie purposes, and because of such public. ownership isnot subject to sole for deSAiwnent taxwe; NOW THEREPOWYM BE IT MESSIVEb BY THE COUTSTL OF' THE C.TUT OP ALAYSDA, with the written consent of the City Attorney attached hereto, that all uncollected taxos chaYged or lev1 ed. for city puryoses ucon the aforesaid real. prorerty, together with pynaltics end. costs thcreon, be, and. hc came pre Mereby, cancelled, and. the Auditbr and. Tam Collector of the City of Alameda. are hereby authorized. ann. directed to cancel the same on. th.ir respective hooks. • BE IT FTESIMEa RESOLVED, mnythig lc. this resolution to the contrary not- withstanding, that this resolution and order ohYll not be constuued as caneellingm or authorizing 1 cancelibtion of, an. special assessment taxes levied against said real property hy the City of Alameda purcumnt to the pPOVLSiOnS of" the "AbquiYition. and. Improvement Act of 1925°A I, j. P. Clarj, City Attorney of thc City of Alameda State of California, de hereby consent to the cancellation. of fan- and. all uncollected taxes and. assess- ments or penalties and costa thereon, eaereed or legied for city purposes upon the real prhperty described in the within resolution. Sated; December j. F. CLARK of the City of' Dianne:3w the undersigned, hereby certify that the foreoing Resolution was duly and. regularly introduced. and. shoptbd. by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled. on the 21st day of 00'' 1'Y 1D5D, by the for:Lobbing vote, to witn ATES Councilmen Anderson, Jones, McCall, Moresi and President Sweeney, (5). NOSS: None. ABSENT: None. WITNESS UNDRESS, I '0 -4'0 hereunto set my hand and affixed the official. seal of bald. City Mais 32n6. day of December, 195d4— (SEAL) SHIED= H. TEAUDIER ghyggswgryibnwhYmsinnnNThsTINTTNTFUNST TNT hisw ,1,,f • - * • * * * * *'* ***.. I hereby certify' thAt the funcToing isamfall, true and correcA cony of DRescilltien No. 5020, CANSEILINS SITU TAXES ON FROPTSCAU .A.CMDATINA) UK THE CITY PDS MUNI- CIPAL PURPOSES (629 Taylor Avenuer, introduced and. adopted 'ay the Council on the 21st day of December, 1D5D. Am SicrXc:413 tlifSM )