Resolution 05071RESOLTJTION NO. 5071 TICANSFITC2dLit,,IG. $800.0o FROM. PARK3 DL.he.hiCYLial2 ACCOGNT 152.251 (GOITTEACTUP21. SERVICES) TO RECREATION TX.P.ARTHCM ACCOT211 15.1..402 TO PROVIDE FUND:3 TO 'PTMIVISH NRW L.P.VOIN FePle RATTm,7 Z.E IT RESOLVND BY THE GC222,CIL 0,12 THE CITY OP AT.,111,57FEA that, in. order to provide, funds reghiree for hurnishing the new. Lincoln Park Roceation Cente:o, the sum of '',!h'.-'3.00.00 be, and. the same is hereby transferred. from Parks Deh.trument Account 152.251 (Contheetuni See,vices) to Recreation Department Account 1"'il.!..17e,., (Capital Outlay., - -Fam.lture and.. Fixtures). The AD.6itor is herhb.h ftuthorihed ax.2.1. directed to ihteke trphsfer on. 1-11 books an.d hecerd.,2„. 77 47 7,7. 7,77 .77 71- 77 77 the under.,:igned, hereby chrtify thPt the foregoin., Resolutlen and. regularly introduceh a,'.opted Oy the Council of 1.1..e City of A.......Neda in hleeting essnmbled on the 22n,2 dey of b7,1 the follo'c ing vote, to ha&h, Joncs, en2 eh2h-.12hni„ .,ndorcoh, .7'1,7).7'!7777 A.78S77.:7:r77 7 .171'7)7177 IN WaTNES3 WEEaEOF, I here herautato set my h2And piTilvDd the officio." seal. said City thin 23rd. 2eeh of Mhiehh„ Ci..1.2.1.E.Y. H. TENWI..71..e. 7717:7-011-71,76T-TE7777:17-7-7,717. I 7:17,777,1)77'3, Ce2tify the.e. the fohegoin a. full, true an6. oherect v7.esoltd,lon !2.2:271, TRANSPERhaNG ieROM PARK3 ACCCihiT (C.ei.72T.C[eCTUAL Sh.EVI.CES) TO hiiCP.2122-12N De.T.CFINCNT AhhOUNT 1221.402 TO Pa0VIDE Ph.J.DS ie.T.,,CCISH TEE NE,C 1h5. CENTER', introdeced. ad.onted. Con,b1.7. on. tho 22nd day of Mareh, 1955,