Resolution 05073HESOIDefeTON. NC, 5073 ALC,}711,AD FEL IFIcA.7.,:aGPS leliliaiSHING TO TED.: CITY OP kLAMEDA ONE NEU COMPLETE TRUCK. IPCLDPING HOIST DeD TWO CUBIC, if,LHD abPACITY ?Jib 'BIDS c'by.D.,,,I.,:,',T-DbiiTIND2,,ippY Pik! Tn RE-SOL'ilED gY, PPE COUNCIL OP LIPP OP ALAMEDP tbkt the Specftficetions and Prmiebsioks for febbeteDikog to the City of Dlimemede. one new combaete truck km.blepliing hoist and two cubic yfiibc, clibpacity dump body, No. Ms 3-55-3, file0 in the office of the, City Clerk on. March 22, 1955, be, and tia. sakbe are hekkkby approvieb end adopted. PiEMODVED, FURTHER, bimet tile Council of the Cit'y of eilatmeaa wila receive. Anpled bids up to the Dour of ei.05 oPclokk P. PM. on TueDdeib, Ao,ofii 5, 1155', tine fkbeijkleing to the Cit.," of ,gaid. tbb.i,,k, tn aecombance mbib-Me said Specifications and Provisions. Pids milet be kDesbnted. to the City Clebei, in thb City Alameda, Ce lifer:Lie, under sosise covey abed. plblinly mobebbd on 'Mem:, outeleib, "PbDposal for Dumm, Tbmee, De, 2i.711717,.:17 e,beinbtion- Contract, if nwaleb.md, will be awabbled. subject to the, bmovibions of the Chartber of' said. City, to the rceponsib2b bidder' wbb submit5 time lobeeet mad best bid. Tea rigbet is reseeemd to reject any ob all bleb, The CPty- Clerk is hereby directed to admiebt1.7e, in the .4 II. f:177177.7-1 T i77.7c—Star, a. mot icb callbmg for sealed. bd.s in accordanbe witb. tke provi9ions of this pesolution anbi ob skid. Speclfibations end Provislene - - and. 17:°.CL).a.....7L..y erbkobLeme. eba keop,ed 'ebb the Uoubpil el thD bite- tb:: Ibmeda adjouamcd. rogbapb mooting. aesembled. on the 22n,a daT Market], 1D5P, bv the following vote, to wit: GoubbP libb n llebk Jene s Mbb Kerb s I and Fres idbnt Pimemmeeck", ND= ,eibbbiTP: bbne. IN WITNESS WiiiI2EDF,, I hbve hebeumto set my: hand. and affixed the official. epal. of said City ',Pis 23pd da,y of March, 1950 F— TEMNIEF cm117.:7777:FF-6717 Tit7 hereby ciertifki. the t the foregoing es B. fuJJ, true arid correct bon-k of "Resolution ND. 5073, die,,,PifInibi SPECIFICATIONS FOF FUTilkiSHING TO TEE; CPIMP aF ALAMEDA PPE COEIDIMIE 7PAkbei, INCLJDIPD HOL3T AND MPO CUBIC YARD CAPACITY' PUMP BODY,. bAILDPG FOR BIDS ATM IFUSIOdTiNd CITY CLERK TO PkikTILE.TIDE OntrodoceC. and cd......k)sRP9d by tOd OPOncli on tile 22nd dey of' March, 1955.