Resolution 05075RESOYOUTIO7 NO. ADOPTING "RPELIFIRWRIOTE PTaKI6EING TO TEL Graz OF ALAMEDA ODF! 'ORO' COMPLEFE TROK.E. TrcLuDING PIRRORP TYE BODY', cALIaJ'G FoR BIDS ANL OFIIRARII'NG GITT CLEIS.h. TO AIFTEHRIRE ho — RESOLFE0 BO' TRE COUNC1h OF TITO CITY' UP .fruo.,fr,Ya4. that the SpheifictShns and Royisions fou fuhoishincs; to thu City. of Alomeda one D6,1 coRT-Sete truck Oneludin,y pickcy type behy, No. FOR 3 tho office of tbe Chey, Clerk Rn RioTch R.FFOR, no, and. the sa.qo aRh .s.IFfeby apoToved and adopted R2SOLATEO, FUEFTHOR, that the Council of tb,e City of Llamed.ca will recehyu sealad. bids usp to Lioo hour of Cs.05 o'clock P.. IC. on Rhuos6..ayh Rnvil :5, 1955, far the funosisning to :Rho OlLoi of said thuc'R., in accordance ohLth. sala. Ophcifihotihn.R EroRlys.lons. "Olds must be nrR.......nnted to the CIty tho Alc-JhhOG, hnder Realeh. covor nnO, pihinly mankcol on. huO21Co, "P.chnhsal. fox, Piolsnn Rh.h.hRR, or sin.hihr dasignstian„ contyshot, if ayhrdsd, oill Ro PharciRd scbjot to the provisihns of the Charter of said. City, to the responsible bidhtnr subrsRts the lowest rnd Osst The yRchrt is rosc.ohved. to reject Rny or RJR. thh-.O.,h Tho City Clerk 1.2 noTRFOy dirsscteR to gdvertise, in hne AismRsa Timna -Stays, e notice', cailinF fhr seFaeC clCs Lo. accozhianne soltO tne proviRions of thRs resolu- thon. and of said. Specifica.tions ans.3 PRovisihns. 1? tOR'; uncieRsigned, Oerecy cohcify thRt tne noreRolny, aesolution woc. auiy end neRvOhly introduced. adorted th,s Council of the City of Alamcdo.s adjouhneha rogulai agscrobled on. the 22nu day of Tifosaa„ 1ORR.:,3 by. shh coitouFoR, Rot°, to wit': k7,07,MG,t 712R, OlF,F.O.soss SIITREOS RTHERFO.h', I have hero:unto set rlry hRnd. and oholYRR the offici*a. shohl of :h71.1.C1. City thih "FiRRR Roy of 11a:och, SH.RRREY H. TERRIZR rk of thETRCHR:77 o r 9m6 hhIhRby coitify tOh.t. the forogoOn is a. nal, true hoO. correct coFF 'Resolution. FOTR, oDORTARO SPECIFoRP,JRNS YOB. PT:ROOTRO:ORAG ShR 'ORR P...11.1NI,LEDA CFO: CORPLERE TROOK IRCLODING RTC.RUP RYPo hOLY, CALROSOR 70H BODO ARM DIREOT-L:Or.... CITY CLERK TO 11/2.7CORORTISF SARER, lnthhOuRRR R.doptRn tOR SounR,Y, on the 22nR. Cw.y. of "March, 1O...".55. Ras:Y.:n:1B