Resolution 05076ITTITT OITTIOT If 0 IT TTO TTO Tiee, IITTIOITITI ITITG T.O. TT OTT GITATIIIMeTy Bid 'HOT'S ING ITITTTIORI TT! OTT T End C Or idedeMIEID.A. THE TERMS OLD OITITITICTITITO OTT LEA. TTE ITILITOTTITI Tin SAID A ITIIITITIOITITITY OP TITHE UTIOTT.T.iiidd ITITY OTIT Tie Jere' oiT TeTie "HT e iTeecy.,-.Ter eie 1. Tediegyie Teel, foie. e ,A1:',.„E, The Eege...n1 of to laa6A to the Authority of the City. of Alpmeda those lants in the Cit'y' c'TT TAt,i3h. hes ',,,ean corl6tTAIGted prjoAt. known AT, "NabAtEr pnT.".1 .4MTHEAS, TATATT, fiegents re(1A,TTe, na ,.'TT condition. proceenIT to IAITT makinA: of seiT3. Icase Arith. the llb,lning Authorlty, that tho exectIte suar- ants, ag-T.,eeing that, iTA the AvT,nt of LT,faalt 1.10,,sing ,Authority the p,,I,EcTIAT,,- mAr.,A rAny of the ,TATATAAs corcliti,on;..:1 of salA "liArAas, the City of ilinef.2 euro sucAAT c,eff:Ault; and Mac, CA..',Tanc.11. of CIty Al&moda, fully A,TATATTsT,T, IA. Man T.),AA,,,ATTAtsoo it in the best. r'TIAIA':::,:rA.,sts of' ',fon lftf,1 T:nriscla tha t f,he aforementiAned. 1..eaoe 1A,'FATA,,,A.Ad Lato IAT.Tt,,een TLATA,T thy, TATT6 , a fTT,Am 3f guaranty -AcquirATA, 1AT th.A AAgr.,..nt s hT,T, baen. TAT.,-,p9TAA,d and submTA,...,iTed. to t s CoATIT71,1T at its F:djA,ATATITTA5 reA,Alar mT..T.AtivE 7T... h. 19,--of,T, rind hn.s bcerl 0,7dAIT,:d thA City pf" CIATAT, NOTT"21TIETRYTOCITTE, OTT; FOOS OTT 'TIT BY TTLITI C OTOTTOTTIT.T 'CT? TIE] OTO TETDA0 Th. et the ST orld Fiver ant y 11117,":311) 7=T, .!) t t,"-) 'far arCi pro — V h.e 'be y 2.0.C1 the) S. :TOTIE; 1,0 118 r alpiT.,!IT'0 71 FT a ; 71,Tat thE M,,..i.1,Tor of' th.0 Citv of AlTT,TTITTJA TATJ. lo LATreby autio:dzod And. to Ay:eel/to spi.d. y be:edit fT e City end tide City TT. d nut top- 2,o a to attA,Tt Le SUM6 I, tho under here,oy certify 1,11E11, tiaTT: OlTay 1,1:1(a introd,a.ced oTo..:.d. adopted C dune T„ tee Olt,/ eel eeTye de . Journed reo7,11.1 Poi" e t loz s end! e on tide iFierei do?. y of 1,,TTTIo;foo, eye t e 'Teel oteine e tee d 1, T TICITOTTS: 1TT_T L,1 iiiii.T.TECTO 711 bee e hereunto T.:.e t iaTTnd. fri000d o coTotTy 1,!-olTs 23rd floo,T o f." Marc h, 1,`":",;5. STHET,CLETA aT=Ea C.Tt: y CaTT .7o7'-iTT,777.71777,7-771 I hAreby cortify tJart forAgoiTa a f.AJA, t,AA,T= mT).(a coyArect copy of "Reoolution No. 50'76, kUTEOPI:IIM HaECUTICN OF RAITORKANCE AA: HOUL,ING AUTEORITY OP THE CITY OF' ALAMhDA OF ,MTT ERN'S PID CO.AI:STATATA,,T1 UTTAAA TO 3E IrT,YTAIT VITAT ATUTEORITY 21 THE all:GE:YTS 02 '7E'T, UNTUEESITY Of CAT„ALTAJAA:JA Li,J.AD A3 '",..1."3:'"ATER CAL-4.69r, introdu.ced. and sdoptAd. b7 the cA,A.1.,TA" I on thA 22nd. Jae' Af If. T eel TOT',