Resolution 05077RE1'"-Ad.,TED.3N. NO. 5o77 FliqiiIA3- AND DETEHNIMAal TH141' THE qTEMS IMPOSED BY Ic.mio 11=in ADNIYISTRATICN U1740424. ECTSSING 14:721=1-7 OF THE CITY OF AJANELA FON TEE TRANSFER 04ig 'ITIMDN.ARY WAR FGUSIT4r. PEC,J=S Ar-,E NOT VIOILTIVE OF THE TTITIT. OF MAT GZETAIN A.G4ELUEJT BETWEZT .!:::4AID HOUSING Aulttmt-cnInt P,N4D THE CITY Of' AULMIDA 11749-0,47.42:JT T444?: G7 T-',..144! f40.74,4c.w. njT-4, BE IT RESOL7EM EY TEE COUN'CIL CT THE CITY OF ALAyaoA ns follows; Th.Rt th4ls Council hereby fins and determins thgt the tr434.n.g impose by Hous'.1ng A.43.1.711.01-41ty of the City- of Alameda for t4.1e transfer to said. Housine; ,4'4uthority of TemporaTy W4R.v RI,ojects ape not violative of theci:;:i,m..3 of thrAt certain RgreemorA between saAd A.othorl.ty end the City of 24:1,EL-r:u:elo. auti,crized by Resolution No. 4919 of this council, I, the un,tersigned, he.usby cerL:14i4N -1-414*,t 1,4iae io.vego:Fnp! T4as duly emd regularly liatroduce.C. and: adopted. by the Council of the 4,ity of' Alameda in 4,e,J141-v- Pq,4embled. OA 4tie 22nd day of 14arch, 1.955, by the foAlowirv7; tc. wit: AYES C orait741 im.en Haag, Jo rle s, 1,1041..2 s 1. an. Pre s 74.it ,4414241,4)1,13 NOE3; Norm. AEZE:;T: None. IN WITETSS UHEREOY, I have horeunte zet my 14.and and affixed the official sna'l of sold Cit.7 thig 2:yod dRy of Mgreh, 1955. ' -,444e 014Dy 0, I hereby c4F4rtify that the foregoinp; 4.s a full, true and corirect cop7 of "7:44osolution 5o77, FIHDING A:ND DETTRETTINC,4 TEI.T THE TEEMS II7TOSED DY PT413LI(4, HUD'S - Ap7saclisTBA,ittGN uFhic HOSITIG A5THRITY Og 11-'1,1 CITY OF ALAMET6. FOR THE TRANSFER aio TEMPOR1PY ,,TAR FTUSI.1-41 PROJE.CTP, Af4.E. NOT VIOLMPIVE OF' TTTETE7yin T.44a1 C.TaTAIN AGREE- MENT ..,4414,T4TEEN. HOUSING AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF ALAYaDA AWITH:40RIZED BY RESOLTUION NO. !!.91'4' OF THE. COMR4II. OF SAID CI7r, irtrodlleed aeopt.4d 14y the Co,414,11 on the 22flca day of Narch, 1955 1.41R1414"141a.