Resolution 05080425 reteSOIADT.., Cie IISLORIALII.leerse THE coNaiii. OF Tar. INgrol0 STArar. THE! HATE? OP virroRTI THE INIATI VESSELS IeeNT,TI WHEREI,S, thcre is AseA on tails crArmrehr of tna 11°020 of Feapresntativas of the Drill:Ed 3tates Conhness awaAtinee action, t;Ast certain bill known :s.o H. R- 439:3 mddesn. raval .vasaals„, arA: for hahr orrosoh;. and. egaghEAS. h3'4,,,j) of TItJe U.S.. S. Cohn, proaiheA that the Dereset relent of the, Nary sel.al•corstrirat upon. the Pacific. Const of ths United Ststeo aunh VeSSerLd as tele President may detsrenIne to be nhcessary orhor mnArtrin ral.P.Tard fairj...tres u.ronea*.e Pacific op.s.t to meet the rearirements ofrehAdonal NOW THEIEIIIISIA BE IT ISISOIAID II. TIE CITY Cag ALAMEDA o.s follows: That the ConrTess of the United. States be, egg it is hereby respectfully urged. and raquosted. to supsort tno passage of H, n. 15.393 in Order trd,et the construc- tion and conerersion of the naval cragt cortemplated Aysald bAil may be. aul.orized, tna ,Anfrervards of the Pacifid Coast AD..., elseallare be. goactiaferl.e6, and, tecrA)uarel. con - activity and. tide maintenance of a. skilled anal. saperienaeA werg forco, Le reader. at all tlres to meet th.o gedsalaarments nationl sesug.Ity; ThAt hordes of thAs resolution be farvaardod. Ss all Facifi Coast :role:bars of tge Coneergns of tlha: Unitad. Strtes. I, the und..arsigrlah, hereby' certify. thnt the foregoing Rear:Lustier. ,1.1P duly. and aighAllarly introduced arid adopted by tha Corra.A.1 of Uae CIAy nh AlhmahA. in. adjourned reeeriar meetir.g assenbled on th....s of Maisel, 1955, hy .e.eo.te, to ( 5) Codrciimen MhCali„ Mgreei and. Presid.rt ileAfterson, MIES: ABSENT: None. ISA WITNESS WHEREOF, I have SerrheAnts set mg 'nand. and. affixed. the ohricial. seal of saAd. City tnis 23erd hay of March, 19Ire.„ I acreqy ah reify *ha' tho IoloAhene 2o 7 °07,:, 0n0 e00.F.e' 01: 07 '010.°°C)1 TA2SSE3F LIPsTANCJIAATI5I ACT GT 1T'I". T, '153'93", 15132,,:xx5,51 a51,5, Sid° osenh1:. on se TIns ra.,- „Ad PgAsa, gre