Resolution 05112481 RESOLUTION. NO. 5112 THAN&FEEING, 116J500 FROM THE ALCOHOLJO BEVERAGE CONTROL FUND TO THE GE=AL F!..7ND. WHEREAS, certain none:7s hat,it, been del.,„vered to and. received. by the Clty of Al9n.c..ita fror. the State of California. and detlositd the Alcohol:1n P.everar... Control.. Fund 7.mrst=t to the provisions of the Alcohnlic F:evera,te Contro]. Act (Statutes of 1935, pfrat,,e 1123, es ,...t.mend.ed), ,and the provIsions of Resolution ro. 2212, ni.lo7ted by .1:his Council on. December 7, 1937; and. WHEREAS, there h..e..s been ex.....e.11.6ed from. the General Fund of tile solely for the purposos specified. In said Act and 1.n. said Resolutlor, the sum of !I.,121,61c:.%on in. corannntinan with. operatol*n anh. maInte.nance of th.e NOW THEREFORE, IT RE:SOLT:7D TZT T.TE COUNCIL: OF TH.t CITY. at.,' ALAY7D,A, that tho oum of :':'.i..'.21,61.5„00 be, acad. tiac soma is haaeby transferfed f'nd to Alcoholic. Eovora7t: Control Fund to the General. Fund. 'rho Aiaditor and 1..*.h.e Treasurer are h..reby authorized ant.1 directed to make said. trr.r....-.fer on th*Ir respectite books. n. * I, undersigned, 'hereby c6.,,,ptify th.Rt th.* fore5.,;ctin7 Resolution wst: duly. an.d irtrocill..ced. and.. D.c7ntted by the Council of thh City of Almeda fn re.7„tAlar ,ssemblqd on. the da7.7. of June, 1.955, by. the followiha- vote, to Tait: cr,arc,11T,1, YeG,t11, 70r,1::" Pr*i Prt:-.71.6*,.flt NOE5. None. ADSENT: None. TE*ItTE33 1 TERF.0,P, I hRve h*reunto set my hanc. RTKI - * .,*** U** nccaciac coal of said, (finnc this 8th dny of jutie, 1955. S'IR11,77 Y. -7TrIE C'ty CTIen of-th. City of Alar,y.=.C.,a- I hereby certify t1'..p.t tiae fore7oint*, Is ful.J., true and correct copy of ItFiesolt,tlon .11.1b. 5112, TRIANSFERRIM !!21,615.00 FRT..1 THE ALCOHOLIC a7=EAGE COUTEOL KTD TO THE GENERAL FUND", lntrodt!ced. arld.a,lortted by thp Council on•the 7th d.Ry of June, 1955.