Resolution 051134 (s RESOLUTIOg NO. 5113 TRANSFERRING- 850.5125.65. FRoN: THE sfECIAL TPX STTDP-FhP I11 ROTEMEN7 FUND AND t2.0 ,tho M'Y ""i'; THD GENERAL FUND RESD]::-TED BY: THE COUNCIL 07 THE CITY OF ArildiEDA. thht t'ne sum of :'...00,1...125.85 be, and the samc is hereby tronsferTed the Special Gah T.ih Street Imy;Tovament Fund. to the Gerrii.. TiDEDTTIT5!, thht the f'.:•,':yr1 of l!':Diey3.4994. be, anhi. the 3:91.€:' lh hhreby trnhforred fro. TT.37. #1. P,m(i. to tlye General. Fund. Tho Auditor r..7.nd thh Treesurhr ere erethy authorized dirncted to rf.f:".k.9 said transfers on their respective books and. recorhis 1, the undersigned, hereor certify that the forrioin Resolution was duly arhi. lintrodmeed end. h.,'holited hy thh. enDr.eil of the Cltr of Aiianhhd..a regular, OD. 7th. clay of June, 1.555, b5, l'o3lowin7. vote, to witt Hihag, Hbru, Dhhy,FY, yran,211y, TD1C: HaAe. TTNES3 "f,:HE'RFOF, I haire rereuntu set my Danfl and. affixed. tfte efficing. seal. of said. Clty thls 8th diay of June, 1955., (31HIAL) 6 h TRID7 2N NNin (T-inrk of thu, City of Alalh,ohni- * * * I hereby c,:...rtify thht the foregoing is e. fuilD, true and correct cy7y of E113, TRANSFERBIND PFDY. THE SRECIAL GAS TAX STRIETDEMPRODD MINT FUND -75a,5 GAS TAX #1 DILZ) TO THE (Di,NERAI FIJN13", introduhed. sSented ths Corns,1 ee nno 7th. See. of Tnnr, 1955.