Resolution 051195 RFDODUTION` NO. 511.9 ADOPTIA. SFCIFICATIONS FOD iDiDNIDD:.1.27,,D TO 19,: CITY OD PJAMTDA 01,7MPIP, SAYD 70R NEW HUNICIPAL GOLF CaDESE, CALLING POD BIDS AND DiFiEDTING CD.T.D. CLERK TO ADTPDTTDF F.D'AMD and Provi5ions Dor furnizhin to the City of Alnmeda Olympin Sand fOr the new Yuill- cipf.1 Golf ConTse, No. DF (-55 -]?, filed. in. th(., of.'fice of City Cirk on Jure ?f, 1955, be, and the same are heveby approved an.c1 adopted. RESOLVED, 7UFTRER, that th.(:). Councja of the City of A:Lamed, wil) senled bids up to the hour of 8:05 0,11100.: F. N. on. Tuesds.y, ;June 21, 195,',, for the furaishirc to the City of sald 017apia Sand, in accordance with said SDecifica- tior Bids must be Drpsented to the DIty Cl6rk, thk., City. Hall,. Callfornia. under sealed. cover arid pa..,11.nly marked. on tlie outside, "Pro - Posal for Olympia SanD", or, stmilar d.€,signatton. Cortract, if .:9.w.Rrded., D.11.1 awardc,6 srbject to the provisions of the Charter of sale,. CAty, to rooroons,ible bi6D.,73r Vno nab.&Its and 1-mst bid_ TDe rIglt is reserved to reject any or all. bids. The City ClDrk hereby d1rected to advertise, thz, Alamed.s. Times-Star, P catlinc for, 7,opled bids, in. accordance with. tne provilons thiEl resolu- tion. and of said. Specifications and Pro7TisiDn.s.„ * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigrd ,*(:),DDD-1,-..r De,D-1Dti-D and. regIllarly introduced and adopted. by the Council of the ,,Dity of Alameda in re7111.pr Yeetin7 assonbled. on the 7th 6a.7 of June, 1955, by the follol.T.Dir^ votc to AYES: CoDD.c.:Dlimen. Haag, Hdve, McCall, Mor,..s. end. President Kranaily,• .,10.0,-3: None ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS D'DIREOF, bave hrereunto set ry hand. andaffixed Uh.Er; official.. • of ouid C'itv d.f.D.7 of Jilne, 1955„ SH=E7 H. 01..11„ of tDe -City af f,27,.7..00rja I 'Dereby thpt the faregoin7 ts F full, true nnd corret. co77, • solution No. 51119, ADOPTIM SFaDTDICATICD:M -POD T=DY.INISHIND TO TH: CITY OF ALA - MIT:DA 0...X.KPIA SAND FOR THE YUNICTPAL IDDLF COURSE, flAIITN1- FOP BIDS P.M) DIFFCT- ING 'TDETY CLERK TC• ADVERTISE SAME'', iDtDoduce0 Pdoptcd by tDDe Co.,D1D11 7th df::::y of June, 1T.35.