Resolution 0512392 NO. 51,53 ADOPTING SYTIIIPICATIONI), SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS TIDR RELOCATION OF 1 EAISTING- FENCE ON THE SOUTIIIRN PaRTIOTI OF' BAY ?DEM ISLAND, CAIIING POD. DIM AND DIRFIITITI CITY OD= TO ADVERIPIDE WHEREAS, the City 1))TTirer. havl prepared P.DpecifIcations, 522025,221. PrO7iS1225 and Plar f,n52 the relocation of an existin7 fence on.. the southern. portion of Bay Fapm Is:D:1mi, numbered. Fi.),T 6-55-17 arid filed ir the office of thn City Clerk. on June 7, 1955; NO7 THEREFOFE, BE T RESOLVED EY TEITI COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OP ALAMEDA. that tile aforesaid Specifications, SpeciaD Provislons and. Plarls numbt)red u.nd. filed. as aterosaId. be, and the same are heroby and: unopted, RESOLVED, FVDVFHER, that the perfoPmance and completion. of the work speci- fied. in said DpecificatIons and. Provisions be, and. tIle -..;:am.e is hereby. auttoried. RESOLVED, FURTHER, Chat the Counc5.11 of t:he City- of Alameda. ,.),-)1,1,1receir),:). s,Faled. bids up..tothe hour of 8:05 o'clock P, M. en TueE,,day, June 21, 1955, for the fIarnishIn to the City of nal labor, nterlals, machinery, tooDs and egHipannt neces- sary- for the work hereIriebove referred. to, in. apcordIgnce with. said. .)Ipec.FITice,tions Pnd. repovisionD„ bids must be presnted to the City Clerks in the 'Pity Hail, in .Ala meda, CnlifornIa„ under sealed. cover P.ald plainay m.e.T.P..eo on the outside, "Pronosea for PelocatIon of an Existiott Fence on. the Southern Poption of Day 7,-..?n,rm Islo.nr, or similar ciesD.DRtion., Contn)..Dnt, if awaTFied, will pDvr,F.)ded subject to t)le provisDens of thn Cnantnr of thn City of Ainmedn, to the T.' esponsIbi bidder GE° submits the Hottest best bid. The riFIDt is reserved to reject ally or all. bids, SoAd. .i',Ipecifications and Provisions be DFDI b.7)Dany nrospective bieHnr on appcatton to .the City Enhirser, at rns office in the Hall, slemena9 Cali- f 0 r lefts The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in. the Alameda Tinv,,s-Star, notine eonlinh for sealed bido3 in ac,corth..,,,ne with. the provI.sions Of t212 resolu- tion P.,nd. of SpecIficntions and PrevisionD„ I, the underpigned, hdreby certify thdt th.c, foregoins, Resolution. YRS duly and.. 2egDiarly lntroduc,ed and adopted by. the Counell of the City. of Alameda. in re7q1EFr mestin,F. Pssembled on the 7th. dn.... of 1955, Fy the follotIllnp. vote, to 00).).neIllFen Hovc, TAevcs-', pri,) PrsIdonl; FIrane.71y, NOES: Nona. A3SLINT: gene, IP.PDDIDID, I. hove ney.va.nto set mv hand. 9ffix.ed the cIficial sEPal of said. City. tIais 8th dny of June, 1955. SHIRLEY H. TINNIER ITT.FIT7)1F,FIZ of tIle City- of TIeTuli)7— T. hereby eortitfm thst the foregoin 111 s a full, true and correct c,opy of' "ReoDlution N6, 51231 ADOPTILM- SPECIFICATION'S, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS POP. RELOCATE-2)N AN HXDSTRNd 'HENCE 07 TNT SOUTHEN' PORTIA:SU '-1YNLARM ISLAND, CALLING FOP ?TICS AND DINECTIITC CITY. CLERK TO ADVEMIFIDE SAIIS", :Introduced. and. adopted by the ConrDil , the 7th dee-- of June, 195G.