Resolution 05126h'ElollaalThrUP lO126 TIMCIARTSS, CAMVAPS STITTRNS AND RESTSLT OD' SHCIAL tho Ccbnoll of °aloe S:l"ty of Alamedu, hy Rpaciptimn Nb. 508S, dollar Pnd. ordered. Paid in said City o ShecioS. lannicival.. Referendum. Election. for, Pup puremoae of erabattinp: to the ampalaino'l, voters and elactors the,raof tbd measnTe here- inafter set folmah; and WHEREAS, neypre were 128 elhction procinoto within tbp Cltyof Ala:mega. fixed plena. estpblisbed by aaesolutIou of the Cop:hall of sapid City Prb ders:Innbted end. numbare0. consecutively from No. I to ro. 128, bath. lublusiym - as the cleatimp pre - chnbts for bold:leap thp afoPesPid. Special MunIaipall Referendum Election. of the Clty uf A'ary".da; and. nal of the bmlloto psed. .for solid olectlyna were propabed, as to form. 5.1a0 contpaets, as pabscribeo. by. 1.9.7pT, samplm amalot wtb mailed. to each voter of tho utty of Aloyeda within the time and. in the mpnnpr brovidnd by law anal,. suc3h. nu33.11a9.: wn.s compisyted at geasa ten oriole days nrommaing the date of said. alba - tion7 end Yhe m:ftanho, c' onot,om sou nefa S neciml XPP:capol Ref9Londoy raimatThp. neva Iplm oo ,Iutom dne "fIeS, a' clpot'.on sssmaillca satrft -ad 'nd a]aciann apaato provtoao far procisch. reopabom by lnY! rnIa sPip Shec/el eborIgsariop Mamotaan boa Sa1.0 or, bloroop, 1V,7 oammaa:nce dttP le- PrZ, -n3 tmm Potom Loobeso racevem anI ponspraeO, rcaurns -shrub of oacousePoeal. a oton -"poi moeflara2 In r'"1 a ldn; Lpd "SlIFEAl2, +rho CcppoI' c0 bne RIto e' Ain ,,e e; ,h:m. 'n, uoTh rdtsfh - In, faaLn-,,! am sbid electien nes pot cps monabsona ton poLusna fbb pylon ppol et saa'c lmreotoi huuIcIromi rLforpraap Tal-ot'on es roenThroS n, 2Lo. Thea -els- r-22-, aMnIsod im tIo pPonlsos, or; Iboinn Pho rotmans of sold conymoa "r'CiG1') It: onr RIFIRYSa, mThl rhomut Patoom' nalllorp ntso :arm anTh,' nopeThaon an: ampubsoul la - napnot ppnnnanfo ma on Man ,ed the onobi - oorleyd. NOW, THIIIISISSE, FOS Th RIS7,011..VISTS bp. tbe Scauraell. of the City car Alpmbab as frIlemsot ( '21 'Tho' 'amyl rroeueir"2 IPasnloa :))) .1(7. end Thy Pcbas -Peg. ',boson' beraIvenl urn oesstremsoa, end thn solamuns noprpor ossestofroP, ooteamIno sup nocharoM, -11 umromoto one p -ells-Rohn I- lash Llob, f, foJaobtnn bapsuro mao suhs"mano -e riga elePtnP,L of s-'d Ctt- nrS tso ommlmb of Potas no!.Tho on ousel] a-re:lust - said C7ty 2,11 LoolasI snl- pelespro aeas Po fhlhaan: Shall Orinonce Nm. 1148, New Series, Pauthoriablang IltPb. Construction Company ro dred.y.n,: embraip submorr,:,,ba Sanas pf the City of Aiamhdh and fill porta:lb laipplands of sslid. Company in tbs. Cts... of Airameab, and. olatbearlzinp tho execmtinn of nn Ar....aareement partsining thprpto, no into effent? Tbtee Ordinance and the Asreement abbhao a rize dayriormant of certain tidall..obs pith ft12. fryer the spImermed tondo mf t1:16 CiPyn, and. in exchhalme, requiye a. orb mjillon. anallbr sop m paibtiop bona naara req.irb tnp owner mf." the tidelprorls to proviAb cortoin benefita, incluPauln a public beabla end. romadpay, Inripbby stabObards of improbementa in street instral.lations thEn enocified. nxietinF, sub m Ilvision ordinances, olappninn onntarb wIth e. fonh to one ratio of harking sbnbe to floor area, and.. the sale of lond to the City for publto Tepr- r09.3 at a staplaubd pnlee belay: ceot. TES_ 4 9 5 196 497 iNhNii!C? NO, Yr2S ,Tr 911 3E; 130 '7,3 95 fr t3 L.C, l'6 (p f8 93 l5 lli, :122 (21 23 105 727 39 196 :le': 105 57 ;241. 110 21 22 311 17 r-, 312 N 115 2A ,e- 1' .17 ri III L.. l5 123 l'i 10 12 '' 195 tl. _ 12.7 bi Jr1 (3) Trihi all ebsenl voters, uallots hove been dilly receive° and canve.ssdd tne tirrh. forn ,nd m.9.nrhr required. by. ihw, and Ule rerrhit of. the 9.h:entee vote for and aNainfit oald measure at s,.id Mhflitclinei Rece,enrlom Election 1.3 as Absentee epplIcetii)ns filed. 88 Ballots returnNd. N Ballots returned. too ir,te countcfi 777-I V S TOTAI: 85 Thht the whhle numbrrn of vothn c.at 'fl the Citv of Altmtda said. special Muni(Nip..] Referendum Electlon was a2,423 (yEs: 7.0x12 - NO: 5,3e5) NOW, nTr':[-rlop',2,, ND: IN -rNIThf...i RESOIAhn, thnt the Council of the City of AiNureda detcrrn.ins Nnolpres thht, 93 a result of the mnii,ority -fote of the poo-ole at tho aforementioned S'oeciRi Mur'7blT5.1 Ilefe,reodym Election. held. Tuesdh.....-, May 2t1., 1N55, Rnel tbe chnvass of seNd rturns hnd those, of the Abentoo Nr11.ot2. nt the Connell meeting he16. June 7, 1955, Ordinance No. New Series, shall become effective on. june 1955, and. hall be in furl force on and. rifter spld Nate. 44 * 4 the undersined„ hereby certify. thAl fore7oinz Resolution nnn duly an1. regAlarly introduced and. a1Aupted. luy tlae Counci].. of the City of Alumeda. in re7Alur m.esCloF AAsembled on the 7Lh day of JurAe, 1955, '07' the fulicwin7 vote, to AYES: Councilmen. i1 ua7, Hove, MoCual, Muresi ?.flyi President Kranelly, NCES: None ABSENT: None,, IN UITNESS WHEITUADIT. haY.TA hereunto set my hand and affixed. the official seul of' said. City thlF 8th doiT of June, 1955, ST1111,1' H- mCiAvACTEcR Clty Clerk of tho nty of Alameda T. hereby certify. thet foregoinn Is a full, haua ash coarest cope of "Resolution No. 5126, DECULARITY.C, CANVASS OF F1-5ACENS AND 1:JASUIT OF SPHAIAL, RE7ATCFCPTDUM 7TECTION HHID YA7.7 . 24, 1955", intAucecuced. anc.9. ACpter..1. by. the Council. on the rth. day of June, 1955. !AL,Al? the lAyy of