Resolution 05164PEtAXION NG. 5164 LH XAEOLIAL( TO LLUDAA WITH DEEP saidow, the Council of the City of Aaameda records tiae death. of one of its fine employees, BELDEN LAPDEA(SON, whn had served the City ap e. shined. laborer In. the St:pet Department since Auguet 1 1941. NOW, THERETOLE, BE IT RE(»()).):\aD, 1).„ in recognon of his faithful. (Lad efficient seLvice in. thp performance of Lit:: ditties, th.e Council of th.e City of Ala - (Reds. doea ftereby express its stneere rintitude for the fine work dune by Mp, Sanderson. PE IT Fla)(=( RESOIAUD, that this Resolution ba spread. ir. full. upon the minutes of' this meeting Hnd. a co-oy thereof PP trarPTEtted to the farilty. of' Lb% San- derson, taat it may extend.. to its menPers a sinsere expression. of sympathy' end cor doleiiape; and. BE IT FURTEER RESOLVED thnt when tnis meeting of the( Cour:oil. of the City of Alamedn aajourns, it shall do so in respect to the memory of HleitDE Pi()ADERSOAL I, tha undersigned., heleet(y oe'Atify that the forpEcing Lesolutiox NaS duly and re(eu]Apiy int,iodpLed and adopted. by the Counpiii of ths City of Alaneds. requisP meeting assembled on the 6th. ,lay of September, 1955, bey the folloviLeg vote, to wit: (L) AYES: Coullpiirten Haag, Hove, McCall, Moresi and. President L,panelly, ABSENT! None. ID WETNESS WH(aEOF, I have hereunto set n7 hana arid. affixed. the officia2. seal, ofs aid. City this 7th. day of SeptemPer, 1955. 'SHIRLEY H. 1EN-el.:PAL heLeity certify that the foregoing is a. full, true and. corpect copy of "Pesolution No. 5164, IN m(EszaFcrA)n TO BE)1(m»T SANDLiRSON", introdu45 ed. and adopted. by the Council on the 6th. day of Septpriber, 1.955.